Wow! In only a half hour, membership went from 4,499 to 4,501! It's wonderful to see how many people are Corgi lovers and are actually coming over to "our side." Only a couple of weeks ago, I posted two comments on YouTube for Corgi videos letting the people know we'd love to meet them here. At that time, membership was 3,999 -- so how did you hear about this site? Were you invited? Did you see an advertisement on MySpace? Facebook? Direct email? It's obvious the word is out! Keep spreading!

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I saw it on Facebook and have told quite a few people about it since. It is a fun site especially for people like me who never tire of seeing photos and hearing stories of other corgis!
I actually came across this site googling information on corgi pups when Lance was a pup, he is now going to be 4 this October!! I am so happy I did find this site. :)
I agree with both of you -- if I'm feeling overwhelmed by outside influences that I have no control over, I just log on to, and I get into such a happy mood instantly just with seeing all the cute pics, videos, and reading the funny stuff people encounter with their Corgis. Personally, I was invited to join by WendtWorthCorgis and am forever grateful to Wendy for passing it along to me. Also, a lot of deep respect and admiration go to Sam Tsang and his wife for creating the site. Without their diligent administering, monitoring and evolving it, devotion and love for the breed, none of us would "know" each other and be able to help in the so many different ways shared on here.
I too came across from a google search when looking for corig info -this was when I was considering getting one. That was less than a year ago and now I can't imagine my life without a corgi friend running around the house. This site has been a great resource and everyone's dog wisdom definitely made the transition to being a corgi mom easier. I love hearing everyones stories and seeing your photo/videos - it is a welcome distraction during the work day!
I found out about this site through a member of the SD Corgi meetup. After voting in the Halloween costume contest last year, I browsed the site and believed it was a site wealthy of corgi information... so I decided to join :)
I think I was trying to look up corgi info when I happened to this site and then I don't think I joined right away...another thought for breeders is to send this info with the new owners...I emailed all of mine new puppy owners with the site info and let them know how much I liked it! more thing...when I have people ask me about pups I also give them the site on the back of my card and suggest that they may want to "check it out" and they don't have to own a corgi to belong!!!
I found out about this site from another corgi owner in my vets office she also told me about the local corgi meet-up group!!! It was lucky that we ran into each other. I live in Vancouver across the river from Portland Or. and hardly ever see corgi's. Even though when I'm out everybody wants to pet my corgi's and know what they are =) I just love this site and like another member said send my gradditude out to Mr. and Mrs Tsang for creating it!!!
I found this site last summer right before My Max went to Rainbow Bridge. I think I was looking for medical issues on older corgis. It is a great site.
I was looking at corgi videos on You Tube and I found the video made from pics of mycorgi members. It referenced this site, and I'm so glad I found it!
Can you post the link for that YouTube video you've referenced -- I'd love to see it, but can't locate it. Thanks, Deanna
It was a couple years ago, but when I get home from work I'll look for it. Or maybe Sam can find it faster than I can.


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