Narnia Corgis In Rainier, Oregon-Reviews, advice.. Anything is helpful!

Hi everyone. I know I already posted today, but I'm bored and need to have these things figured out anyhow, so I feel less bad for hogging up space ahaha.

Alright, anyhow..

As the title says, it's Narnia Corgis in Rainier, OR that I'm asking about.

Has anyone ever gotten a corgi from here before?:) I'm looking into this breeder, Sue Sebring, about getting a puppy.. Talking to her on the phone, she seems like a really nice lady who treats her pups right.

BUT.. Let's be honest, we don't really know anything about people until actually going through with being a part of their life.

See when I spoke with her, we talked for quite a while and she seemed really awesome. But again. You never know.

See, here are some of the things she told me she does for the people who buy her pups:) I would love if it were true, and I am leaning into that it is. I just want to double check before setting my heart on her as my breeder.

PS.. This does not include the shots/health garuntee, they do have those but that's just standard, so I'm gonna list what she said was extra..

PSS.. I also missed a few things that she offered because I can't remember them all:P But is this part true

  1. Puppy Comes With:
  • Crate
  • Toys

      2. Extras:

  • FREE puppysitting whenever you need it-she said that like if we were going to go on vacation or need a puppy sitter, that she'd do it for free but will accept donations to help out if you do need to leave your puppy there.
  • FREE training. She said that if my pup started bad behaviour to CALL her the day of the problem starting and that she'd either help me with it over the phone OR I could go there and she'd work with him and me in person.
  • She also said she doesn't charge additional fees for full registration or anything if you decide to show/breed later on or something.. I can't quite remember EXACTLY what was said.
Alright that's it.. If you have any info on her at all, let me know please! Thanks a million

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Joann's Ruffly Speaking blog goes on at some length about selecting a breeder (not necessarily endorsing all her opinions).  Look back in the MyCorgi archives; I'm sure this topic has been discussed often.

Honestly I would stay away from someone offering full registration to a pet owner. A reputable breeder generally wouldn't do this as they are VERY careful about who is breeding their dogs. I would be concerned about what health testing the parents have had, what activities the dogs are involved in, what kind of socialization the puppies are getting, etc.

Thank you, John:)

And Jane, I can understand your concern but it was more so she said that the lady she did this with also asked her if she could show him and such and she agreed and gave over full registration and all that stuff. I can't remember if she said she was friends or not with the lady, but she does seem to talk to you a lot and I think she was very friendly and it seems like she does take the time to know someone before giving the puppy away at all. She doesn't ship unless she personally knows someone, etc.

I asked for the advice and I thank you for it also:D I just don't think that I was clear enough because she doesn't just give out full registration, she does have to know you and such. It's just that if you DO want it, she doesn't charge more for it, which if you ask me is what should be happening-if $850 is going to be spent on a puppy and I want to get full reg later on because I think there's potential.. Well, I don't think I should have to pay that much more-it's my dog.

I just want to know if this is actually what happened and all that, and I can't ask her to tell me the names and numbers of the people she's sold to to get references. 1) They'll either be numbers of her friend or 2) I get stuck in an awakward conversation and look like a butt for prying into it

Thanks again:D

Hi Kymmi,

I would join the portland corgi meetup group they have two play dates a month 1 eastside(hillsboro) 1 westside (scott normandale park, north portland) maybe someone their has received a puppy through her.


I got Tracker when he was six months old and I suspect he was a disappointment as he had an undescended testicle.  I wanted a fixed pet so it made no difference to me.  It's been six years, the dog is healthy as a horse (?), an energetic and gentle, loving dog.  He came with enough training that his will to cooperate has satisfactorily fleshed out the rest of it to make a dog who is a wonderful companion.

I have not seen Sue since that day, but have thought of her often, thankful for my shortwolf buddy.

Ken Wheeler

I don't know anyone on the west coast.  I did look her up and she seems to show a bit.  Many breeders don't charge different prices for show- or pet-quality.  I have heard, rarely, of someone taking home a pet that, before they get neutered, they have the breeder look at one last time to see if they might be show quality.   Again, rarely but it happens.  Most pet buyers aren't really interested in showing but some people get the bug and maybe she means she'll look at the pup again if you think the quality is there and you want to run on with them. 


It's good that she stays involved with her pups.  I'd also want to know where the pups live, what sort of health-checks are done on the parents, what shots they get, what she does to socialize, and what she breeds for (show, performance, etc).  There is no one right or wrong answer to most of those questions but HOW they answer is important;  breeders should have a reason for doing what they do.  For instance, given the research we have now, I'd be happy with a breeder who said "I send my pups out with one set of shots at 8 weeks old" or "my pups don't leave til 10 weeks and have had two sets of shots" but I would want the breeder to be able to say why she made that choice.  


She should be able to talk at length about her breeding program, what her dogs are like, and what she's breeding for.  Again, there isn't one right answer but there should be some goal.  "It's important that my dogs be family dogs and I know that a kid can go up to mine and hug them around the neck" is a good answer.   But so is "I send a lot of my dogs to agility homes and I'm really breeding for drive and biddability.  It's important to me that my puppy buyers are experienced dog owners because some of these high-drive dogs can be a little funny if you don't know how to train consistently."  One of those answers is better for YOU and your home and what you want in a dog, but both are very acceptable breeding programs.

The list goes on.  Decide what you want, strike up a conversation with the breeder and take it from there.  I found one breeder that sounded really good but one of her pups would not have been good for my home because of various things she mentioned.  Doesn't make her a bad breeder, just not the breeder I wanted a pup from.


Best of luck!  The questions should flow as a natural part of the conversation, rather than sound like you're grilling her.  :-)

If she was just saying she doesn't charge extra for a show pup, that is pretty standard from a good breeder. $850 is a reasonable price IMO. If you are interested in showing I would make sure you express that interest very early on, because it's really quite rare for a breeder to sell a dog as a pet and then later give the owner full registration. Most breeders do not want to take the risk of having someone take off with their dog and use her to pump out puppies. Sad but it happens.


I would still inquire as to what health testing the parents have had. There are a couple of corgis under the Narnia name in the OFA database, but it looks like they are pretty old listings.

Sue is a nice lady and has been breeding corgis for awhile now.  She used to work with Dr Charles Krueger who was a vet up in Des Moines WA and a national corgi judge.  My last girl came from Dr Krueger.  When she passed this year I got in touch with Sue and was able to pick up a young male that she had been giving a home as a rescue.  He is laying quietly at my feet as I type.  I saw some of her dogs and they were very nice.  Pretty new pups, too.  Drop me a line if you need any more info.

I got my Belle from her..Aslan was Belle's dad and he passed a year after we moved to Nevada from alaska...Dr Krueger told Sue Belle would have got far in the show ring but things happened and I never got to show Belle.  Belle went to the bridge last year and we are going to see if Sue has a couple of puppies for us to come look at...Nice to see someone else got a dog from her...Carolyn Medlock 

I met her once.. she came into where i worked and we talked.. she seemed like a very nice lady then.. The i ran into her again after I had gotten Ace and she snubbed me >: or atleast it felt like it.. istting there making fun of Ace.. *least it felt like it* "My 9 week olds are bigger then him.. he is puny" words like that.. then kinda sneered at me when i said he came from Missouri.. i was excited to see her and tell her i was still interested in her Corgis

but.. im kinda >:  towards her right now.. i wanted to get pointers from her about showing and stuff and ya i didnt buy one of her corgis but i couldnt afford to then..  she wanted $750 for a pet and 1000-1200 for a show given this was 2 years ago but still it kinda left me a little Bitter >: 

If Tracker is an example her corgis ARE big.  He's 33 lbs and the vet swears he isn't overweight.

The breed standard calls for 30 lbs max.

If her line was outside breed standards it might explain why yours looked small to her and might even make her feel defensive of hers.

All that aside, Tracker is the best of the three corgis I've owned and is a beautiful and well formed corgi.

Im not knocking her Corgis to be honest.. my vet said when ace was 4 months he was a little on the small size as far as Corgi standards.. but her to snub and make fun of his size hurt my feelings.. and I hold nothing against the situation now.. but at the time i was enraged.. 

I could careless what anyone says about Ace now I KNOW he is the best thing on earth in my eyes >w<;
But he was a BABY and mine at that and NEW XD 


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