happy holidays: Joined mycorgi.com, in hopes of finding a reputable breeder in the Northern CA that does or will consent to test for degenrative myelopathy. Lost our girl, Bailey, to this terrible disease. Would love another pup, just can't go through that, again. Any info?

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Hi and welcome!

If you're looking for a Pem it's a tall order. Not the testing as much as finding a clear dog. Pems are at something like ninety-five percent "abnormal" (either carriers or at risk) for DM right now. It doesn't mean that your puppy would die of DM - the correlation between at risk and the disease is very much a question mark right now - but if you want to be absolutely sure it's going to be hard to do it in Pems.

Have you tried contacting your local Pembroke Welsh Corgi club? Yours would be, I think, the Golden Gate club. The corresponding secretary would know a lot about the membership there and may have some ideas for you.
Thanks, I will contact Golden Gate club. Appreciate the advice.

So sorry for your loss! My understanding is the Cardigans are much less at risk for the DM gene. You could talk to Millie Williams on Mycorgi. She is in Michigan but is a strong advocate for testing and breeds Pembrokes, although she lives in Michigan, she may know of some one in California.
Thanks for the advice. This is just the kind of help I have been looking for. Will talk to Millie.



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