Tomorrow I am getting Odin neutered at the SPCA. Any advice? Should I invest in the "donut thing" or stick with the cone. I heard it could hurt corgis since they are low to the ground. How long did you honestly keep it on them. Will I need to carry him up and down the stairs for a few days? Do you think he will not eat as much? Did your corgi stop mounting and humping after the surgery?

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Corgi's too short for the cone...I used the donut for a few days and then Tootsie was fine.
Aww, good luck tomorrow Odin!! Stanley's neutering went great. Expect to get to the SPCA superearly and stand in line for a little while. I opted to pay for the pain pills ($10 additional) and passed on the cone. We actually got him a soft cone at Petco (I think it's called a Cozy Cone or something). We ended up returning it though. We put it on Stanley for about 2 mins and I'd never seen him look more sad. So we left it off and he was fine. He didn't really try to lick at the incision. He was pretty groggy after I picked him up but by the next morning he was back to his old self. We did carry Stanley up and down the stairs for a few days. And we didn't play fetch with him or let him get too active for about 1 week. He didn't get dinner when we got home after the surgery but we started feeding him normally the next morning.

Hope it goes well! I think it's harder on us than it is on them!
Both our boys hardly missed a step. Slept when they got home and never seemed to notice they were missing any thing.
They tried to lick the but didn't get upset when we told them no. Good Luck will never miss 'um.
Jenny: it says to be there at should I get there at 7?
Not sure if it's always as busy as the day I took Stanley in but I know there were already like 10 people ahead of me when I got there. If I remember correctly, they don't open the doors until 7:30 so you'll have to wait either way. That was the hardest part for me actually b/c Robin didn't come so I had to manage trying to restrain Stanley and fill out paperwork while standing. He was pulling and pulling on the leash like CRAZY b/c there were so many other dogs and cats there and he was excited/nervous.
When Finn was neutered he didn't even need an e-collar. He tried to lick twice and we corrected him both times so he left it alone from then on. If you are going to have to leave him home alone i would crate him and maybe put the collar on just in case. The main things are no jumping or running and yes, you should carry him up and down the stairs.

Most of what causes them to mess with the incision site is the fact that it itches. That shaved hair can be very itchy and to sooth that itchy belly a warm, damp washcloth helps. Just gently wipe his belly. Finn loved when we did this for him.

That's all I can think of but if you think of any specific questions feel free to ask.
Odin is all DONE:)

It was the saddest thing ever! I've never heard such sad sounds from him before:(


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