Hi all.  Our household just adopted a stray Corgi (after futile attempts to find an owner), and the little guy has a problem.  He's starting to come out of his shell, but the other day when he greeted me by jumping up for a little affection, he peed on me!  I don't even know for sure that it was intentional. It wasn't like he walked up and lifted his leg.  All I know is, he came over and jumped up, and when he got down, I had a big wet spot on my pants...and they were white pants, so there's no doubt what happened. ;-)

Any ideas on what this is about, and/or what to do?  It seems kind of like submissive urination to me (he doesn't exactly have high self-esteem)...but I've never had a dog "submissively urinate" ON a person, just on the ground.


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Never scold or punish. We had a Golden that did this and found the best way to avoid it was to downplay greetings. We taught him to go to "his place" (a rug in the kitchen) when we came home or people came over. Learning down and stay helps a lot with this. However, the first thing I would do is have him vet checked to make sure there is not a medical problem. Then start with some basic training with treats at first such as sit and down. Use positive reinforcement but do not overdo the praise. Eventually our Golden did not do this unless someone really made a huge fuss over him.
I agree with Bev. Really downplay the greetings at this point. Since you don't know the dog's past, it can be tough to say why he does this. The best thing you can do for your dog is give him a nice treat when you leave, then ignore him briefly when you come home. Put your things away, check the mail, and ignore the dog til he's calm and then give him a very low-key greeting. This can help prevent separation anxiety and submissive urination.

I also agree to have him vet-checked to be sure there is no underlying physical problem.

Your new Corgi is very fortunate he showed up at your door. :-)
My Corgi sometimes does that too. I call it "Happy Pee." When ever someone comes in our door and my pup gets all excited cuz he is getting attention, he does the happy pee. My suggestion is when you are away, crate the pup or baby gate him in a separate room away from the door you will be coming in. That way he wont have access to you when you first come in and take him out right away. And if you have guest coming over, take him out before they get there so he doesn't "happy pee" on them. My pup has done that. U_U
We don't have this issue but like everyone else said.. downplay it and try to train your pup to do something else other then gets over excited when someone comes home.

My friend's dog did this in college whenever her boyfriend came home.. so to downplay it (there were inside stairs up to their front door, they took the door off and put a doggy door there instead and just kept the bottom door closed. He would have to crawl up the stairs to stay at their level and pet them with a soft voice.. unlike his usual DADDYS HOME!! OMG DOGSDOGSDOGSDOGS!
My parents' dog was like that for the first 2-3 years we had her. When she got a little older, it was just me she would pee during greetings for (my mom nicknamed me "Potty" for the dog lol, she would always be like "Oh look, Potty is here!"). The only solution we found that worked was to either let the dog outside for the greeting, so she'd pee on the grass, or I had to completely ignore the dog for an hour whenever I came over so she would calm down and not be excited about affection from me. I would recommend letting everyone that comes over (and do it yourself) to just ignore the dog for a short time when you first arrive at the house. Don't pet him until he is calm.
Hi Allison. Some dogs grow out of pee greetings, some don't. As the others have suggested, calm greetings are the way to go. Is your little one crated? If so, you can come in the house and not acknowledge the dog until he's calm. Take your time with this. Eventually your dog will be more calm in greeting and it may give some relief for the pee greetings.

If you have more specific questions, drop me a message and I'll be glad to walk you through it.


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