Hi everyone! I have been researching through this thread and on the internet about corgis and breeders around. My fiancé and I are hoping to get a corgi in March but have not had a lot of luck with finding a breeder. We have one that We are considering but want to talk to another just in case something happens or this doesn't work out! We are in MA but willing to travel. Anyone have any good experiences or know of any breeders around the New England area?

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Hi Danielle!  The Mayflower Welsh Corgi Club covers New England.  Here is a link to the breeders that are in the New England area.  I would get in touch with Anne Bowes of Hersonway, I've had 2 Hersonsway dogs bred with Crystal Corgis.  My oldest, Katie who is 12, is a Hersonway/Crystal pup. They are located in MA. I know that Karen Baker from Crystal corgis recently moved from MA to CT recently and I also would recommend her but I don't see her new listing on the link.  I will email her and get her updated info.  I like to keep in touch with her as it is since my newest boy is from her.  Karen's email is crystalcorgis@yahoo.com


Thank you!  I have tried contacting a lot of the breeders on there but unfortunately did not get a lot of responses!  I  believe I did try to contact Heronsway I believe I will have to check my email log!

Most breeders won't respond until you fill out a questionare. Did you try checking the PWCCA web site for breeders? (assuming you want a Pembroke) Also check out infodog.com by state to see if there is a dog show near you. You can go and usually talk to breeders that can help you find what you are looking for.

I have checked that site, as we are looking for a pembroke. Unfortunately many breeders do not seem to have websites with questionnaires otherwise I would be more than happy to do that! I will definitely try the dog show idea though if I can find one!

Hi Danielle, your search for your first Corgi will not be easy- or at least that was my experience a mere 18 years ago.  Best decision we ever made was to search for a Corgi - but just understand it is not the same thing as looking for a lab or a doodle dog.  

Most reputable Corgi breeders have long waiting lists, which leaves first timers with in many instances less than great breeders if your in a hurry (but don't do it) or just plain old ordinary luck and patience. I have lucked out three times.  

Most good breeders are exceedingly protective of their babies - as they should be - and are not willing to just give them to anyone that isn't proven.  (oh my the hoops I had to jump to get my first :)  

Plus, these are not easy dogs to raise, with a lot of excessive barking, headstrong, nipping and herding issues to deal with as a pup- on top of the fact that they are 4 legged shedding machines that will cover every inch of your home, you and your clothes with endless and continuous hair and more hair.  So just be sure this is the dog for you before you start on this mission.   If you are ready, willing and able, the rewards are endless, these dogs are amazing creatures, fun loving, intelligent, and great housemates.  

One thing you should do is to consider a rescue as you search for a dog, they need homes and often are wonderful dogs.   My second  Pembroke was a senior rescue - a purebred dumped at a kill shelter - omg - Thumper age 10 - and what a wonderful family member!!!  Such a great companion and house dog.  He came all trained, no issues- (why a kill shelter - who the bleep knows).   A lot easier than a pup and just as fun. He was only with us for 3 years but wow what a wonderful three years it was.  

As for a pup, check with you local/state Welsh Corgi Assc, they have lists of the local reputable breeders with contact info- contact them and get on the waiting lists - generally starts with an application process.  Also call the local- regional organizations and see if they can tell you who has pups - that is how I got my most recent pup.  

Be persistent in you calls/emails but be sure your breeder is reputable.  If they don't want a whole lot of info about you - if they don't want an interview - if there contract doesn't make a lot of demands of you - go elsewhere.   Most important,  you need to understand the temperament of the parents.  Corgis range in temperament from nasty, surly, biting critters - not suitable for children -guests etc - to sweet adorable angles that kiss babies, to everything in between.  A meet and greet with the breeder, the parents and the litter will give you a good idea of what your getting into.  My most recent pup Katie is the sweetest creature you could imagine and doesn't bark much at all - I wish I could clone her.  My breeder was a vet from the western MI - would highly recommend her.   Good Luck in your venture, let me know if I can give you more info.  jan

There should be a show in western MA in late October/early November.  Let me ask my husband where it is.  It's where we met the breeder last fall when we got Brady but I'll be darned if I can remember what city it was.  Forgetful NYer here.

ETA:  I can whole heartedly agree with Jan regarding a rescue or even a rehoming.  Breeders always have in their contracts that a dog must be returned to them if for any reason the buyer can't keep it.  Both Max and Brady were rehomings.  Katie is a retired show dog.  We got Max at 5 years, he crossed the bridge this past December at 13.5, Katie we got at age 4, she is 12.5 now and Brady we got at age 4 and he is now 5.

Hey Daniella, I forgot to include the name of a very good rescue organization- its called Rescueme.org - (google them my link is not pasting for some reason.)  I didn't wind up adopting through them because we found a pup,  but I interviewed several dogs/handlers through this group and was very impressed with how they work.  They generally place dogs with a trainer/handler for a month or so, that way they know what the issues are if any- and the people I talked to were very honest and upfront about the dogs temperament etc   There are many Corgi "mix" dogs in this system (a few look like pit bulls) but don't be put off-  they have purebreds that come through more frequently than you might think.  It also sorts the dogs by state so you can concentrate on places you are willing to travel to.  You can sign up for email alerts from any state you are interested in - or just check in when you want.  

There is a facebook group for "Responsible Corgi Breeders".  You might want to link into that.  They will post when they have a litter, or when they are rehoming a pup or an adult sometimes.  I got my second corgi from following that site.  He is from a wonderful breeder -  I'm so lucky to have him. 


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