Last night, I let Camber out before going to bed.  She eventually did her business but did not want to come back in.  After a while of coaxing her, she came inside but did not want to sleep on her bed in our room.


She stayed in the livingroom which she has never done.  I got her into the bed room, but she just looked at me odd and left the room back to the living room sofa and stayed the night there.


This is the first time she refused to stay in our room or sleep in her bed... What happened?

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Hmm, maybe she saw or smelled something outside that made her feel she had to be on guard.
Hmmm maybe? She is a quiet dog and only barks if I telling her to come inside before she does her business. After she was done, she was just being difficult and wanted to stay outside. Many times I let her out the side door and have to go to the front to door to let her in.

Her reluctance in not going to her bed or with us is what worries me. She can be a shrew about coming in and last night was pretty bad.
4 days in a row and she is still doing it. As soon as it's bed time, she goes running for the sofa, not our bed room. I tried putting a treat on her bed. She at it and then wanted to leave. The other night, she sat by our door thinking it would open and she could leave.

Someone mentioned she may be trying to show off or show she is calling the shots, but she is hardly. I had to chase and coax her back into the room. She went room from me back into the bed room as there's little place to escape.

Any ideas why she is doing this all of a sudden?
Did she want to go out for a walk? or just wanting to be in the living room?
Just hang out on the couch. She does something different when she wants to go outside and I just let her out... Tonight I will give her a brief walk before bed and see what she does.

She's never had an accident in the house.
Mine are very temperature sensitive, cold they love, too warm, they're out. Maybe your bedroom gets warmer at night? IF the door is closed and there's vents in there, it might get stuffy to her. She might prefer the couch just for the air circulation?
Maybe something is coming into your yard at night (cats or other animals) and Camber feels she needs to guard her territory and people from them?

Rosie did something similar, she was reluctant to come in and would not go to bed. She seemed to be 'on guard', but I had her sleeep in her kennel at night anyway. She kept getting up throughout the night. It turned out we had a prowler in the backyard! We found some minor vandelism in the backyard and sneaker scuffs on the fence. We had found crushed garden plants previous to this but thought it might be a neighborhood cat or something. We got a security camera and let all of our neighbors know we installed it. We haven't had any problems since, and Rosie goes to sleep just fine.
Something very similar happened with Lance. Every night we have the same routine and Lance will fall asleep on the couch waiting for hubby and I to go upstairs to go to bed. As soon as he hears the tv clicks off, he knows its bed time upstairs. One night Lance got off the couch but refused to go upstairs, which was very odd because he loves going upstairs to his room. I thought well I guess hes old enough to stay down here by himself, if he wants to, so that is what we did, let him stay downstairs. He was perfectly ok with that!!


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