Today I came home and Franklin wasn't himself. We went out for a walk and the entire walk he was pulling on his leash and hyper-alert to every sound. He was walking super erect and acting really anxious/nervous. I've never seen him like this. Everytime we went by a side street he would pull and pull to go that direction, which leads to a park and then curves towards home. Finally I took him to the park and let him off leash thinking maybe he was just excited and wanted to burn off steam. He took off twice towards home and of course immediately came when I called him but I leashed him back up anyway because in this state who knows what he would do. He then proceeded to vary between pulling as hard as he could towards home and clinging as close to me as possible. He was lunged at by a large vicious dog on our walk yesterday so I didn't know if he was nervous about that but he was fine on our walk this morning and when we finally got home he was very anxious in the house. When I gave him dinner he would eat a few bites then walk into the living room and look around really tense then go back and eat some more. He reminded me of a dog hopped up on drugs or caffine. I checked the entire house and there is no way he got into anything. He is now resting but I am worried about what brought on this drastic change in behavior. He is clearly terrified by something and I don't know what it is so I can't help him. He is not an anxious dog and I've never ever seen him like this. The only time I have seen anything close is on 4th of July when my neighbors were setting off fireworks outside my house. Any suggestions on how to calm an anxious pup when you have no idea what the trigger is? It makes me sad to see such a happy-go-lucky pup acting so anxious.

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Could anyone have entered your home or made lots of noise outside it? We have my daughters Aussie because something happened(don't know what) when he must have been in their fenced in backyord...he now does not like men especially the postman:( They have no idea what...


Could he be picking up on you being nervous for any reason???? Just a couple thoughts!


Could be his experience with the other dog...

This is what I was thinking.. It kinda sounded to me like maybe someone entered or tried to enter your home while you weren't there and now he's super worried that there will be another attempt or something and that he has to be there to take care of things, and make sure nothing goes wrong?

If not, I hope that he's back to normal soon and that you figure out what it is! Good luck..

I agree, the whole time I read your story I thought "someone tried to break in while you were away."  Or he THOUGHT someone did.  

At first I was thinking it was something like this too but now he is ok in the house but still acting freaked out on walks? I don't know if there is something in the air or what. He had the interaction with the other dog the day before yesterday and then was fine on our morning walk so it doesn't really makes sense that he would be weird because of that. But today he is acting normal in the house, and last night I was able to finally get him to relax and play, then this morning on our walk he was acting totally freaked again. He isn't greeting anybody we walk by like he usually does and instead stops and stares when somebody approaches. It is definitely possible they were doing some kind of work outside my house that had him panicked and maybe he is thinking the whole outside world is out to get him? I don't know, I just want my happy boy back!

Becca has been acting off the past week or so because of nearby road construction. It is a street away, but those big ears seem to pick up the noise. Hunting season has also started here, adding gun noise here and there.

Another thought, would anyone be teasing/harassing him from outside the house or fence? A friend had this problem with her dog. The neighbors kids tormented him on purpose.


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