Edward is about 4.5 months old and he's a fast learner! He's a Pembroke. I got him about two months ago and he was not potty trained. At first, he would pee and poop in his crate (he would also eat his poop) but I got some tips from other MyCorgi.com discussions. I reduced the size of his crate area and BAM! No more poop eating! He still pees sometimes in his crate, but I don't have too much of a problem with that because its not as constant.

My problem is that he will pee in the house even thought I discipline him the same way I did with the pooping in the house. He never poops in the house and always holds it until hes outside. He also knows he can pee and poop on my balcony and I will leave the door open. Sometimes he will utilize this and actually walk to the door and wait to be let out or he'll walk out an open door and pee on the balcony. However, there are times he will just pee inside at his own will. I can't seem to get him to differentiate from peeing inside vs outside. I treat him everytime he pees and poops outside and I scold him/spank his bottom when he pees inside.

I tied a bell string to my door today to try out the "bell" trick so he can ring the bell when he needs to go out. Any tips for stopping your Corgi pup from peeing inside??! So far every tip I've gotten has worked! I keep getting bad pet stains even though I scrub like a mad-man. Anyone know if the Bissell SpotBots are successful?

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As he is still very young, he might not be able to hold it at times. Have u try bringing him to the pee spot every 2 hrs to see if he pee? My experience is that if there is more than one pee spot, my keke will be confused.

PS. Edward is adorable!
At that age, it's perfectly normal. Jack was not trustworthy on carpet til he was around 7 or 8 months old. Ever see a little kid in the early stages of being potty trained? They sorta understand you want them to use the potty, but they get so absorbed in playing that they just forget til it's too late. At that age, the time between when he thinks "I have to pee!" and when he's actually peeing is only seconds. Also, the urge to keep the "den" clean is normally much, much stronger for dogs for feces than for urine.

The answer is less freedom and more potty trips, but even then you'll still have accidents. If Jack was playing hard he'd sometimes pee when he'd just been out 10 minutes ago. He was my kitchen puppy til he was 6 months old; I'd only let him in the living room very briefly if I was actively playing with him.

This too shall pass! :-)
I beleive that young dogs can't be considered "relaiable" until about 14 months of age as far a poddy training go's. I've owned a spot bot before and loved it. If they weren't so much I'd buy another Teagen helped be break it when I tripped over her one day so it's safe to say christy 1 spot bot 0..
Oh, and I ask you to please consider not scolding him or spanking him for peeing inside! He's not being bad, he just truly doesn't get it yet. Believe me, he doesn't. Even if he looks "guilty" that's really just a dog's way of appeasing its leader; it's not guilt the way people feel guilty. What you can and should do is, if you catch him in the act, pick him up and just say something like "Ah" very quickly and carry him outside (you might get peed on, but that happens with puppies!).
He is SUPER adorable.

We had a similar problem with our girls, and they are about the same age. I don't know what all else you've tried besides shortening up the crate, but here are some thoughts:

1. cover the crate (the more you make it a den, the less likely they are to go in it.
2. Feed them in the crate (same reason as above)
3. Totally agree with the suggestion to take him to exactly the same place every time- our girls still need to be physically carried or led to their "pee area"- if I just take them in the back yard, they quickly forget what they are doing out there.
4. Your best bet is to catch him in the act, make a loud noise (clap, yell, stomp) when you catch him in the act- startle him a lot when you catch him squatting in the house (I know it's hard because they are so low to the ground)
5. In a pinch, I've heard that leashing your pup to you (so they are always with you wherever you go) makes them easier to catch when they go to squat. We didn't get to this point but have heard it works from others.

good luck!
I love the spot bot!!! Also consider adding an enzyme cleaner such as Urine Off. He is a little young to be reliable and I would never spank. Really praise going outside for now and make sure you take him out frequently. (ex. after a nap, after eating, after playing etc) Since he has been peeing in the house ou may need to start at the beginning for now with watching him closely in the house and the frequent going out. He is still a toddler and doesn't always realize he has to pee until it is too late. Just when you think they will never get it they get it!!
Thank you for your replies! I will stop spanking him..I don't know about scolding :-). I started off with the picking him up and taking him to a pee spot but I stopped. I will get back into that routine. I'll let yall know how it goes. I love your Corgis!!

My guy is the same age and we have occasional accidents in the house. I just give a quick "no" when this happens.
BUT what I am trying to do is confine him more when it's not "safe." And safe, to me, with a 4.5 month old pup, is about every two hours. I'm trying to walk him every 4+ hours now and he's doing good. He's getting the hang of it.

If your little Ed won't go in his crate, sometimes it's a good idea to keep him in his crate so he won't go in the house!

Like others said, I don't think he's old enough to be trustworthy, so I haven't given him that ultimate freedom to be able to roam. Even when I'm home, when he's napping I keep him in his crate. Our days are like this! Having a schedule helps us *SO* much!

6:30 AM - Walk
7:00 - Food
7:30-9:00 - Mommy @ gym, pup in crate (SOMETIMES I will leave him out but confined to my room)
9:00-12:00 PM - Mommy works from home, puppy sleeps
12-1 - BARK PARK + walk
1-3 - Pup still hyper, plays with other doggie (Mommy works)
3-6 - Passed out, usually in crate
6:30 - Walk
7 - Food
9 - Walk
10 - Bedtime

You'll find your rhythm though!
I trained mine to use bells. He was probably about 4 months when he finally got the hang of it. But now he rings the bells every 10 minutes because he wants to go out - I've created a monster!
I'm going to try the bell trick--I've tied bells to both doors. The irony is that yesterday (for the first time in forever) Edward pooped twice in the house. I think it was because his routine was a little off though..I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Thank y'all so much for your tips!! I love your Corgis!


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