I'm now to the point in my journey of sorrow to write about losing my special friend Corky. We rescued Corky 11 years ago in the ASPCA in Mass. He was a lovely tri color Pembroke that we fell in love with at first sight. I've had a few furry friends in my lifetime, but he was our first Corgie. He was my best friend. I loved him more that I can even express. He was truly a memebr of the family. He had lymphoma and the vet told me I had another month maybe two with him. I was heartbroken and didn't know quite how to take the sad news. It first I denied it, but it did sink in after a few days. Corky could hardly breathe last Sat. and I knew the time had come like the vet said it would. I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help myseft. I didn't want to upset Corky anymore than I had too. We were that close. When I was upset he would always try to comfort me. We went thru alot in 11 years. Job transfers, moving, etc. He always took things in stride. I wished I could have been more like him. We brought him to the vet to have him put to sleep and I was overwhelmed with sorrow. I didn't want to upset him so I treid to hold the tears back. When he passed over to the Rainbow Bridge I went out to the car and cried like a bady. I'm the type of person who never cry's, and my wife was really worried about me. I have to say I have never felt the pain of death ever in this way. I know it was the right thing to do, but I'm still haunted with the memory of my best friend on the vet table. I could write for day's about the qualites of this little guy. He was my hero. He had all kinds of health problems (that's why they were going to put him down when we rescued him) but he never complained or wimpered. He was my rock at times. I will always remember him for the fighter he was. He may have been a little dog, but he had the heart of a lion. We can learn alot from our furry friends. I will miss him dearly, and do. RIP Corky and I will be with you again someday. I will NEVER forget you.

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Dave, you gave Corky a wonderful life, when you rescued him 11 years ago. How wonderful that you could do that! The love we get from our furkids is on such a deep level that it is hard to let them go. The pain from heartbreak is terrible. But the memories you will always have of Corky are sweet and will help you through.
It has been said that our joy can only be as high as our pain is deep. If that is true it sounds like Corky increased your capacity for joy by quite a bit. They always leave a footprint bigger than they were! He must have been very special.
Such a sweet remembrance for your buddy. Just think of the odds of it all -- how luck you were to find each other and have those years together. It seems impossible that the knife-edge pain of sorrow will ever dull, but it will -- and happily your joyful memories will stay crisp and clear.
Thank you for writing such a great tribute to your little Corky. Sadly it is something that we all will have to go through with our furry babies. You did the best thing for him, besides giving him a loving home and family for eleven years. I am so sorry for the pain, but that is because you loved so deeply! You will always have the wonderful memories of a great friend, and a life rescued and well lived.
Dave, you did a fine thing in rescuing Corky long ago, you gave each other a fine eleven years together, you stood by him to the very end, and you've written a fine remembrance of him to share with the other corgi lovers out here. If you didn't love Corky so much it wouldn't hurt so much now. Your grief is a reflection of your love for your friend and is in itself a testament to his important place in your life.

With time mostly the pain of losing your friend will pass, but not soon, I know that from personal experience. Happily, real love and real friendship never fully ends either so you can cherish Corky's memory and the fun you guys had for a very long time to come.
To truly love, and have been loved, is the greatest thing any living creature can ask for in this life.

It looks like you and Corky gave that gift to each other. Time will heal the sharpest edges of the pain, but we always miss those we've loved and lost. Remember, those that are special to us live on in our hearts forever.
Corky had a great forever friend in you, and you didn't let him down when it was time to do the right thing. I also lost my Algy this year to lymphoma, and like you, I can still see his little body on the table. It has gotten easier, but it was terribly rough for a long time. Always remember him with a smile, and know that you were loved by this little guy you let into your life so many years ago. Our thoughts are with you.
Your tribute to your beloved Corky brought tears to my eyes. 13mo's ago, I too had to put my sweet Casey down. He was only 5 yrs old but he had cancer. I too, have never felt such deep sorrow. Casey's photo is on my desk so I still have him with me in memory and always in my heart.
Dave, you have such a great heart. Corky knew that. I think he wanted to be more like you. Even though he is gone from this world, he is always alive in your heart.
Dave, I'm truly heartbroken to hear of your loss. But I think Beth said exactly what came to my mind as I was reading your tribute, about loving and being truly loved. No one else has or will ever experience the unique, one of a kind bond you & Corky shared. Your relatsionship had its own dynamic, and every animal lover is truly blessed to experience that one of a kind love. Sorry about Corky, but try to remember the 2 of you shared something unique to ONLY the two of you, and now he's frapping through lush green pastures, till one day you meet again.
I am so incredibly sorry. Words can't make you feel any better, but just know that each day becomes a little easier. I had a corgi mix that I put down 3 years ago after getting him from the humane society 16 years earlier, and he was literally my soul mate. When I had to put him down, a part of me died also, and I don't think it will ever return. But the pain gets easier to deal with, and soon you will be able to remember the good times. The most important thing is to allow yourself to grieve as you would a human--although I think losing my pets is always harder than losing a human--but I do believe that animals go to Heaven also, and someday you will be reunited again. He is happy now, and free, and no longer in pain. And, I believe a part of his soul will follow you everywhere until you can be together forever....


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