So this started about a week ago, usually outside.
Shiro would get these reverse sneezing attacks, lasting for 10-20 seconds every time we go outside. He'd have 2-3 of them at a time.
Is this "allergies"? Should I be worried?

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OK, the pattern has changed.
Shiro no longer does it outside, but now every morning right before feeding time. Although the attacks are shorter.
I tried to massage his throat but it doesn't seem to help. I can feel vibration on his throat when I touch it.
Somebody told me that sometimes dogs do it when they are excited/agitated.
Well that could be true because now my dad's dog is staying with us for 3 weeks. I feed them separately, but at the same time, and once he's finished with his food he tries to run to her bowl (I literally have to stay in the way and guard her).
So maybe he just hurries so much and triggers the sneezing.
Although I'd say that the episodes OUTSIDE started before we got Betty dog.
P.S: I didn't really think it was allergy because I know that dogs allergies are always expressed through their skin and not airways, like humans
No attacks for a couple days.
Interesting thing - Betty started getting those, but gets over it quickly.
What is it in my apartment?

I know this is an old post and I very well, could have said something earlier about reverse sneezing, but Noodles had a reverse sneezing episode this morning and it just wouldn't end. He has had ones in the past, but they stop in about a minute, but this one kept on coming. I did my normal routine of covering his nostrils (and also tried stroaking his throat), but that didn't stop it. It went on for a few minutes. Then off and on all morning long (1.5 hours), he kept doing it. Not sure what triggered this today, but I'm really hoping he doesn't do this while we are both at work because no one is at home. I always feel bad when he has these episodes because his ears go back and he likes to crawl on my lap. All he wants is for me to snuggle with him. I'm curious if others have had episodes that go off and on for a while like the one Noodles had today. Thanks

Bogart sometimes does this but I lead him to his water bowl and encourage him to drink, then it is over.


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