Yesturday, I felt like Romeo should go to the park since he been home all day. I put him in the car, and we drove. I stopped by the deli first to buy something, and usually Romeo never leaves the car when i get out of the car first. BUT THIS TIME HE got OUT my door when i was about to close it. He ran across the BUSY Street near cunningham park. Two cars just passed him and nearly almost killed HIm!! I was screaming and begging to Romeo to come back. And he just wouldn't. Than he came back to where I was but he cross another street. He just kept walking. When i chase after him, he would run so i Slowly walked behind him for AWHILE. (I also left my car on, not locked, and my stuff there.) Than finally I grabbed him. It took me literally 30 minutes, it felt like forever. How do I fix this bad behavior. Im so worried it might happen again. Also I like to add he never comes to me when i tell him to when were out. Even when i have treats, toys, and sticks. Sometimes when were home he will never come right infront of me. Always 1 feet away when i call him to come by commend. Someone help me T__T. I don't know how I would live without him. Does Romeo hate me? Am i bad mom?!