Today would have been Teddy's 10th birthday. He passed last March.
It seems so strange not to have bought gifts for him and to watch as he opened them (he loved doing that...Christmas...anybody else's birthday...if it was wrapped, he needed to unwrap it).
He was sick and I am relieved he is no longer in any pain-maybe when they pass that pain gets transferred to their owner- but still miss him and his overwhelming (in the best of ways) presence. Who will tell me the dishwasher is on?
And that thunderstorms are on the way? Or howl at commercials with a whistle or a particular pitch to them- Cadillac and Ferer Roche to name two?
Chase behind the stereo to see where that sound is coming from.
He used to jump for what was left of my turkey sandwich from lunch when I got home. And bounce his water bowl if it was empty- I was well trained!!
I have a lot of good memories,and I was blessed to have him 9 years, but like everyone else, it would never be enough. His unconditional love was incredible; our Corgis really do love us more than themselves. My 4 - legged son.
Besides venting my grief, what I would like to convey is enjoy every moment you have with your fur kids family and friends, because you never know how much time you have. Thanks for letting me have a place to voice....Andy

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I understand your pain and am so sorry about Teddy.   Time softens the pain but never takes it away.   And certain things trigger grief almost as strong as when you first felt the loss.  Hugs.

Thank you for the reminder.... hug your fur-kids every chance you get.  They are never with us long enough.  /hugs.

Thank-you so much for sharing Andy!  My corgi is 9 years old and I am not looking forward to her leaving me.  I love her so much as you did Teddy.  Hold on to your memories.  I am sure you will never forget that little boy.  I am so sorry for your loss. :(

I am sorry to read that Teddy is no longer with you.  However, your memories of things you two shared made me smile.  To know you had his love and he your love........such a bond is so special.  And, yes, everyone should try to make all times together count.  Sometimes what seems to be the smallest happenings turn out to make for incredible memories.

I agree with Beth, Max has been gone over a year and sometimes something hits me and I cry. I miss him terribly. Katie just turned 13 a week ago. She is basically healthy but I can see how much she has slowed down and I know she doesn't hear as well. I don't know how much time I have left with her. I have lost too many dogs and cats over the years, have had them in my life since I was 9 months old and I am now 66. It does not get easier.

Love them and always let them know they are loved. That's all they ever ask of us yet they give us so much in return. Keep the good memories and when it hurts go ahead and give in.

I am so sorry for your loss of Teddy last year! It's the pain of losing them but also remembering all the great times and how lucky we were to have such a great dog...we can carry those memories in our hearts!!!!

Death of the body does not mean extinction and that holds true for people as well as animals. Your Teddy will remain connected to you even if you do not physically perceive him because the bonds of love are never broken. You can be sure that every time you think of him, he thinks of you, but we do not all come here to stay the same amount of time.... I personally think animals come into our life as teachers, and one of the things they teach us, after showing us how to love unconditionally, is how to age gracefully, how do be happy even with increased limitations and how deal with loss. 

The heart is not like an apple that you can only divide in so many pieces, the more love you give out, the more you have to give.  Consider giving your heart to a new doggie and Teddy will be cheering you on as your life is again enriched. Best wishes.


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