safer cleaning products...for our 4 legged family members.

I just read a comment about something being "greener" and so I would like to offer my thought on this because yes...I admit I am a tree hugger and proud of it!

1. vineger...yes it smells for awhile but it also neutralizes urine, and removes the spot and so I use this on any pee accidents and in the dog wash to get rid of oders...also the slime and deposit on dog dishes can be easily removed by soaking these in 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar for a bit a cup or less total...just swish it with your rag a couple times. Many more uses but this is a couple.

2.Hydrogen peroxide...a disinfectant...i use this on my floors...NOT clean up. It's cheap and I actually use this all over my house...especially sinks! You can look up this a s a cleaner.

3. Baking soda....for wash and floors...takes oders away.

Did you know that awhile ago there was alot of contraversy(sp) on a floor cleaner that killed dogs (kidney failure I believe) as the dogs licked the floors and became sick and died...from what I read the chemicals in it had 1 different than antifreeze...scary to me!!!!!!!!!

You can go online and look up all kinds of cleaners that are safer for our furry friends. My sister in law had her house sprayed for some bug(???) in AZ and both her dogs ended up getting VERY said do not do this again!

Just some thoughts...if anyone has some homade cleaners to share...I'd be interested!

Thanks! Jane

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I have been using a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water, with a microfiber cloth, to clean all bathrooms and mirrors for some time now. If I get something that doesn't come out (hairspray, or soap scum) I use a magic eraser. The vinegar odor disappears as soon as it dries.

Pour baking soda down your drain, add vinegar, and presto! a nice drain freshener. Let it fizz for awhile then rinse with hot water.

I was using baking soda and vinegar to clean my toilet bowls, but got sick of lugging it around the house and broke down and bought one of the "green" toilet bowl cleaners.
Could I get the dosage for goats...I used this years ago and yes it lasts a very long time...


HI Kerry,
I only have 2 goats one is a puebred female meat goat that I got for free....the owner had a herd and she had a bad leg and the others would have ended up killing her as they kept knocking her down. Then I have a young pygmy they are just pets but also keep my weeds down in my grove!You can see my pygmy on my photo page with Livvy!
These guys are so much fun!
I may need to check that out. I use a green all-purpose from Target. I like it, and it's easy to get, but it's not so very cheap.
How does the magic eraser work? I have never tried it...what other things do you use it on? I used to use Borax in my toilet but you really need to leave it sit a long time and scrub with the brush a few times...I also got sick of dragging the box back and forth so I bought the green toilet bowl cleaner also...maybe this winter I'll go back to something I make!
I wash a lot of stuff with just dishsoap and water. But I also love baking soda and vinegar for all kinds of clean up. Lemon juice is also great as an air freshener and tenderizer. Put some lemon juice or lemon slices in some water and put in on the stove to simmer. In no time the house smells great and no wet dog smells. Also I found some "natural" lemon cleaner stuff at the store that smells awesome. It's nice that stores are stocking more environmental and safe for pets/kids products on their shelves.
It sure is! Also cinnamin (sp) simmering on the stove is great...smell like you just got done baking!!! And the dish soap is true...they say not to use alot of antibacterial on anything...just soap and water...also Borax is a natural cleaner...can be found by the laundry detergents in a box!
Another use for vinegar is I use only stainless steel frying pans and sometimes they get a whitish filmafter using I put a capful of vinegar let sit...scrub with a .green scrubbing pad and it disappears.


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