We have had our almost 9 month corgi since he was eight weeks old. Sabre has always chewed a little, but never to the point of destroying anything. He has had some fluffy animal like toys and squeaky toys since he was eight weeks old. 
My husband and I got married on November 6th and Sabre was boarded for 7 days. The kennel was very nice, and he had many playmates and received a lot of attention from the staff. Now that we're all home, Sabre has managed to destroy/eat almost all of his toys. He destroyed his bed, 4 squeaky toys, 2 rubber squeaky balls, and 4 animal toys....currently working on the 5th as I type. 
We've been home for 10 days together, and we take Sabre to the park to walk and play for at least and hour and then we play at home as well. He's working on a new trick also. He hasn't attempted to eat our house yet.... but what do we do to deter this behavior? We bought him two new animal toys this weekend to replace some that was lost during his kennel stay and he's already killed them.

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Welcome to adult dogdom. :-)

Jack had fluffy toys til he was about six months old, and then once he realized it was so much fun to tear them up, that was it. He can't have rope toys (we have a tug we play with but I don't let him keep it) or fleece or stuffed toys.

And when I got Maddie, I discovered she has a knack for chewing apart "indestructible" rubber toys.

Very few adult dogs can have stuffed toys without destroying them, though some breeds seem more prone to keeping them than others. Sadly, Corgis (with their vermin-killing backgrounds) are one of the breeds that generally takes great delight in disemboweling them.

The boarding was probably when he was bored enough for long enough to figure out how to rip them up, but chances are it would have happened eventually anyway.

Part of it, too, has to do with when they get most of their (much stronger) adult teeth.
Sparty is an avid destroyer of stuffed toys! It takes him seconds to get the squeaker out. Izzy would never think of doing such a thing but really enjoys watching him do it. Unfortunately Misty eats them and has had surgeries to prove how bad it is for her so they are banned from our house. When Sparty was young I used to give him cereal boxes to destroy and clean plastic milk bottles. I think some dogs just have the intensity to do this and some do not. I agree corgis probably are more apt to while breeds like my neighbors Cocker Spaniel are more apt to just want to carry it around. I suggest finding some Air Kong toys (they have a tennis ball like exterior) they are really tough. On the bright side Sparty seemed less likely to chew up things in the house that we did not want him to than my others were.
oh no... we are destined to a life of destroyed toys haha I guess I should be thankful it's only his toys and not our house! He must have destroyed everything he wanted to in the past 10 days because today was quiet...or he was resting up for his next fluff disembowelment.


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