We have a older female 6 who was raised in a puppy mill- we adopted her 10 months ago!!!  Today we took her to the corgi meeting & she interacted a fair amount... She is sweet & loving...


So my question is we just got a new puppy today a little boy- Daisy licks him but not to long about she groweled not a big growl we were all up on the lounge together & he got ontop of her...


What would be the ideal sleeping arrangements- Daisy sleeps on a rug next to the bed I was going to put him in a large tea chest with no lid on my side of the bed so he is confined with a blanket at one end news paper at the other & a dish of water- Is this a good solution for now???

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I have a hard time picturing it, but it may for a night or two. Doesn't sound like a good long term solution though, and you want to establish a night time routine as soon as possible. Do you have a master bathroom? I put my 6 week old puppy in our master bathroom with a baby gate to prevent her from getting out. I gave her soft bedding, some toys, and puppy pads, and she was all set. They don't need to be right by your side. Just within ear shot of you so they can hear that you're there (and possibly see you too depending on the bed/bathroom position). Plus, if they're too close, you may never get any sleep. Puppies can be a little noisy... even in their sleep. That set up worked really well until we got Ein crate trained (wich only took a few weeks). Since then she sleeps in her crate.


Something else to consider is buying a playpen like this one (Puppy Playpen) and putting a tarp under it and you can set that up anywhere in your room. I could not have lived without my puppy playpen, and still use it at times.


We had a first good night- he is super cute- your puppy is just beautiful...

First of all...in behalf of your rescue...I believe she may have been correcting your pup...I have 2 moms and they correct each others pups all the time so it could be that was what she was doing...and that's a good thing. They help teach many good habits such as bite inhibition and manners although I don't know for sure if that is what she was doing but my guess is she was:) Keep an eye on her but I bet that is it...

For me what I have done with pups is crate them next to my bed so that I can put my hand down and comfort them if needed but they don' need water as if they drink it they might have to pee...just make sure he has gotten a drink before he goes to bed and of coarse gone potty ( I never put papers down)....sounds like the chest would work also. Crate training has many advantages.


Good luck with your new babe...can't wait to hear/see more...like pics!

Thanks for your replies, he is a dear little boy- he is still sleeping allot- when we picked him up there were 3 boys left- he was the first one I picked up...  I have trouble choosing animals...  Anyway he is very pretty am posting pictures soon...  He cried every time he needed to go out last night- what a good boy... but it was cold out there I put a flat carboard box outside the door & took the snow off- its a little bit hard right now but it is ideal conditions once there he grows our other dog just loves the snow...

So happy you got a "baby" for Daisy!!

Crating just works for everyone in the end. I found one for $20 on craigslist. When Bugsy was little, he had his bed at the back of the crate & a potty pad at the front (just in case). Now that he's a "big boy" his crate has a new bed in it & he sleeps in there during the day. It's his go-to napping place!

Can't wait to see the pictures!!

I would definitely get him a crate. As Peggy said you can sometimes find good deals on craigslist, or Walmart actually has pretty decent crates for a reasonable price as well.


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