Hey guys, my corgi puppy Ein keeps barking and yapping and nipping at this older dog we have in the house. The bigger dog, Waylon, is not afraid to growl and bark back. Our solution for the most part so far has been to keep them separated... especially while Ein's ears are taped. The bigger dog has a tendency to bite a little too hard before he stops playing. He's my room mate's dog, who he adopted... he wasn't socialized as a pup... kinda grew up in his crate. Is there a way to discourage my puppy from driving the bigger dog crazy? I'll attach a pic of the bigger dog. See my page for more pics of him and of Ein.

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The thing about corgi's is that there a herding dog... It's in there blood to nip and bark and try to herd. My half corgi nips at my nieces ankles. I you search up everything about corgi's it will say over and over again "keep and eye out cuz they will try to herd and nip and bark" also the dog trainer we are seeing does dig shows around the world and she says when your punishing a dog never to use there name just simply say "no" you use there name for many things and you don't want to teach them that when you say there name there introuble. 

That's a good thing to note, I'll remember that. Thanks!

I think if a puppy is behaving rudely that they should be corrected. Not all older dogs are good at this, some will just take it and some will over do their correction. I always step in and correct the offender and if needed will snap a leash on until the pup listens to me when I tell him to knock it off. 

Put him on a leash, so he is in the same space as the bigger dog, but cannot misbehave.  If you keep him separate, he is not learning anything and you simply postpone the problem. I's OK to separate them when you cannot have him on leash. As he improves ( a couple of weeks ) try leaving him off leash after he's had some exercise and is not too wound up.  If he bothers the older dog, you snap the leash back on, no need to scold him.  Pups are smart and, if you are consistent,  soon he'll put two and two together....


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