I was "inspired" by Shannon's blog and decided to compile a list of things my corgis have destroyed over the years, feel free to post pics and share your stories. We all need a good laugh :)



  1. Half a tub of drywall spackle
  2. 4 inches of baseboard
  3. licked a 3 inch hole in the kitchen wall (thru the crate)
  4. Three wooden baby gates
  5. Couple of pens
  6. A pair of chopsticks
  7. A Clicker
  8. A pair of Oakley's Clogs
  9. A pair of Teva Sandals
  10. Two Ps2 controller cord
  11. One Dance Dance Revolution Pad
  12. One Frisbee
  13. One Rattan Pet bed
  14. One RC Ferrari
  15. One Furminator Handle 
  16. One Sheepskin Rug (aspiring herding dog)
  17. One tennis ball (took 6 years)
  18. A dozen softoys


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I wonder if the cardboard is all dogs or just corgis.  Ella loves cardboard!


3 pairs of my flats (before we realized he likes having the TV on when we leave...)

2 pairs of my pants (little holes in the legs from demon puppy teeth)

lots of tennis balls

boyfriend's headphones (still usable but pretty mangled)

the edge of an oriental rug

the underneath of our box spring - for some reason he felt the need to shred the entire thing, at least you can't see it?



nothing!  (knock on wood!)

1.  Several red pens.

2.  The tennis ball off of a toy.

3.  The lip balm that rolled on the floor by our bed.

4.  Lots of Kleenex stolen from where ever he can get it.  i. e. the box on the table in the living room or the bathroom trash.

5.  The corner of the carpet in the sun room.

6.  An entire bottle of medication.  (Scared the bejesus out of us with that one!)

7.  Mail when it is left on the side table in the living room.


We call his adventures "redecorating."  So far his sense of design and ours are not working together!

When i read all of the above posts...i thought to myself, now Carlys not so bad.... but then i decided to remember 

*looks like i had choosen to block out what my little darling had eaten or destroyed!!!!

a bible, my granddaughters ..bad carly!!

socks, mine and my husbands

nike flipflops, mine

many pairs of panties, they end up with holes in them,  she sneaks them out of the dirty cloths

Birkenstock, one of my shoes

boxes under the bed

tissues/paper towel left within her reach

any and all trash in bathrms, especially empty toliet paper rolls

the rod across one dining rm chair, at least she didnt chew through it and now she has stopped.

she has tried with no success to tear up and eat my sofa pillows but i always catch her and scold her , so far this is only when im in her presence?

 all the grandkids toys, she runs like crazy if she finds one , its a constant battle, so the baby gate never comes off their bed rm door..

gloves and safety glasses in the garage

pens pencils

stuffed animals

wicker baskets

baby bottles, pacifiers

and my favorite leather leash, i left in her reach and she ate some of it, including the handle


Isn't it wonderful how those adorable faces make us forget the bad stuff they do.

Steve's contribution....

1) Cash (two $5, one $20)

2) AMEX card

3) 3 wooden kitchen chairs and base of kitchen table (needless to say, I stopped buying wooden furniture)

4) bottom of cabinets in kitchen & bathroom

5) 50" plasma box I used block the door when Steve was a puppy.  He chewed his way out LOL.

and all the usual stuff (socks, destuff toys, corners of pillows & cushions, plastic hanger, leashes)

LOL "the usual stuff"
would that be cash or credit? oh, corgis take both!

Many things, but most interesting:

The laundry room floor. She peeled off the top layer of the linoleum.

"Every" component of the computer at one time or another. She also hacked into the internet cable, enabling her to download the entire internet into her little head. She is scary-smart.

Even the cord to the cordless mouse. Like I said, scary-smart.

Our Chepptow is a perfect dog............then we move on to his wild and crazy free spirited (tri) brother Tenby

1 couch

1 loveseat

1 coffee table

every toy bought

and now we have atleast 1 nylabone in each room  (all the damage was done his first year) he is now 41/2.

Let's see what my two have destroyed.

  1. Kitchen linoleum floor
  2. Teak Dinning room chair leg
  3. flip flops
  4. throw rugs ( trying to discourage chewing kitchen floor)
  5. 2 cell phone cases ( when will I learn)
  6. living room couch pillows (love that stuffing)
  7. any cardboard box
  8. book covers
  9. sneaker laces (all the ends are chewed)
  10. all indestructible toys( they should be corgi tested first before saying indestructible)
  11. stuffed animals in minutes of receiving( should've given them $10 bill to rip up)
  12. coasters
  13. cat food. bag left on table. (they stood on tiptoes for that one.)
  14. any plastic food bowl



I've posted too many pix already of Ricky/Rafa (aka the Rafanator) to list. But yesterday he ate my husband's MasterCard. We were grateful that he and Lucy didn't take the car and head out to the mall with it.


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