I recently picked up an audiobook read by the author Jennifer Arnold, titled "Through a Dog's Eyes" and then realized I had watched a PBS special with the same title awhile back, so I was not expecting much new from the book.  Was I wrong!   Jennifer has spent the last twenty years preparing Service Dogs for both adults and children with a variety of special needs through her non-profit organization ( none of the recipients are charged for the dogs ).

This in not a book about dog training, but one about behavior and cognition in animals and in dogs in particular, with many excellent scientific references and a lot of her heartwarming personal experience to back it up.

Her sensitivity and insight are amazing.  I highly recommend it to anyone truly wanting to understand the people dog interaction and how amazing dogs really are. So many crude training methods do dogs a real disservice, this is both well documented and refreshing,and all can find in it sonething to apply to their own dog.  I did.

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Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading it!

Let me know what you think of it :-)

Sounds great!

I will check it out! Thanks for posting!

Dino has not seen that. We will look next time we are in a book store. I just checked and you can watch that on line.

Great Steve ! The PBS  show is well worth watching as well. Maybe you can post the link.

I willbe picking it up this weekend, sounds like a good read.

It will be interesting to discuss some of the point Jennifer Arnold makes after you 've all read the book or listened to the audio version.  I trained my own Service Dog, so can relate to that part also.  Looking forward to your views.


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