Tucker, thinking, wow I think I just lost a few pounds!!

This expression just cracks me up!!


Well we both survived the first time at the groomers.  It was a really weird feeling leaving Tucker behind, even if it was for a short time.  He really needed a good brushing to get rid of those tufts!!!  Now, I know what everyone is talking about, I had no idea as cardis do not shed in tufts. 


When I asked when to pick him up they said about an hour and a half.  I decided to just show up, to see how things were going, surprise visit!!  When I got there he was in a kennel just waiting to be picked up.  You could only imagine all the tufts and fur that came off of Tucker!  She said he did great, yay Tucker.  I didn't doubt that he would do great, since he seems to be so calm about everything so far.  She said Tucker could come, back anytime, I bet she says that to all her customers..hehe. 


I put Tucker in the car, and drove the short distance home, go to take him out, and realized  I forgot to buckle him in, his seatbelt.  :O  Never knew it on the whole ride as he just laid still the whole time, phew!!


We get in and after awhile I was examining him and found that he has a patch of red irritated skin under his fur, which seems to be really thin where it is irritated.  It is right on his hind leg.  Anything I can do for it? 


Also, after a pembroke gets groomed does their fur look kinda of wirey? 

The other question I have is, the tufts of fur are gone, but he still seems to be shedding alot after his grooming, any ideas why, is this normal?


The end:


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Looking handsome Tucker! And what is this about cardis not shedding tufts...someone should have told Luke this because I've been pulling them out for about a month now!

interesting, never pulled any tufts out of Lance!!

Lol, my pem Henry never has tufts! Henry is just starting to shed his winter coat now, my furminator has been getting a workout.


As far as that red spot, was it there before he was groomed? Maybe the start of a hot spot? I've heard you can put goldbond powder on it to help dry it up if that's what it is.

wow, every corgi varies..hehe  It may have been there before he was groomed, although, I am not sure.  He was itching himself yesterday, so I wouldn't be surprised.  Hope I can get a handle on this before it gets out of control.  I have been lucky so far and haven't had to deal with these before.

It's totally normal for your dog to keep shedding after he was groomed.  I find that almost nothing gets ALL the undercoat out of Waffle at one time.  We took an air blower to him for 15+ minutes and later that night, he was still dropping fur everywhere. 


As for that red spot, keep an eye on it.  It could just be a spot he's been chewing that started as a bug bite or something, or it could be a reaction to whatever they used to groom him.  

Wow Tucker what a great looking guy you are (even before the grooming) hehe. Glad it worked out well and hope the spot goes away soon!
I am regretting taking Tucker to get groomed, its really sad when the groomers cant follow instructions, even when asking what you want done and I said NO to trimming!!!  It could have been worse, I suppose.  I am kinda of missing those tufts now, lol.  Should have just brushed him myself, even if it took days.  Sigh, darned if you do, and darned if you dont.
Oh my word, no one told my cardis not to shed in tufts....they're tufttastic right now!  Tucker's looking awesome.
A corgi?  Shedding?  Naw, never heard of it.  You mean, like, fur falling out?!  Something's gotta be wrong with him.

LOL.....  I guess I better stop comparing Tucker and Lance so much, its going to get me in trouble.. :)


But...Lance doesn't shed after hes been to the groomer or at least he hides it better. 

When I picked up Tucker from the groomer he definitely looked lighter, couldn't really figure out exactly why though?  I mean yes, he was groomed and has less tufts of fur but also definitely looks like he has less fur. When she asked me if I wanted him trimmed in the back, I said, NO.  Looking at his bunny butt, something just doesnt seem right, I hope she didnt trim him.  Well if she did, its done now.  I really hope not though.  Maybe this is just how they look after being groomed but being a first time pem owner, I don't know. The fun times of getting to know my rescue.
The more I look at him, the more I'm sure she trimmed him instead of just brushing, ugh.  Unless this is what a furminator does. I definately am not a fan of furminators!!  Next time I will be staying while he gets "brushed"


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