Tucker is about 12 weeks old. He did fine with having  collar on all the time but i read in a training book that harnesses are better for controling the dog, also when I had tried walking him with just his collar he would cry like he was in horrible pain. So I got a harness, he doesn't cry when he wears it or when I try to walk him on it, but he sulks and just lies down. Now when i pick up his harness to put it on him he runs away from me. I read that most puppies do this and to use treats to bribe him into followin me on his leash. He did better today but I was wondeing if anyone has any tips. He is my first puppy Ive raised and trained on my own and I just want to make sure I'm not rushing him too much or using an ineffective method


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Our trainer said just what Joanna did, about harnesses encouraging pulling. We use a martingale collar and Sidney walks well, just needing an occasional correction if he gets too excited. The nice thing about martingales is that you can give a correction, but the collar will not tighten beyond a certain point.

I highly recommend reading all the training articles on loose leash walking:

For some dogs they can't take being strapped into a harness all at once. You have to gradually introduce it and make it a fun game for them. You want them to associate the harness as something good. You can slip a part over his head and give a treat. Take it off. Slip it on again, give a treat, take it off. Slide it over his back and buckle it. Give a treat, take it off. Rinse, repeat. Eventually he will associate the harness with such good stuff he may begin salivating when you pull it out.

Once the harness is on I recommend encouraging him to walk using a squeaky toy or your voice in a very happy tone. When he takes a few steps give him a treat.

To prevent pulling make sure you reward him for walking with a loose leash and not pulling. If he puts pressure on the leash and strains against it stop moving until the leash goes slack. Puppies quickly learn that a loose leash means they get to continue walking and a taut leash means the walk stops. You have to be consistent. If the puppy or dog has already learned to pull you can get a Premier Easy Walk Harness that clips in the front to help re-train the loose-leash behavior that you want.
Bravo!!! Such good info...you put it into words so well :) Thank you. Riley always gets a reward as we put his harness or collar on. I'm thinking someday the reward might not be necessary. I will Google the Premier Easy Walk Harness (now that I know the name).
A food reward should be faded out once the dog gets used to the harness. Then the reward is going for a walk!!!
Thank you so much for all your advice. I've taken Tuck out for two walks now, and he is getting better each time :)


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