Now, we all know corgis are smart, and I have been able to teach Napolean some very interesting tricks. I'm curious to know if any other corgis out there can perform any nice tricks ;) Feel free to share!

Here's an example of something Napolean knows:

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That is wonderful!!! What a talented boy!


My favorite of Franklin's (and the one that seems to be the biggest hit) is this one:


except now he does it to "bang" instead of me having to say play dead. He also does another variation of bang where he is walking/runnign toward me and I shoot him and he flops over. Its pretty funny.


Another cute one is he will push a ball into a cup with his nose. And I was teaching him to bark a specific number of times. He made it up to 4 before we stopped, so I say one he barks once, I say 2 he barks twice, etc. I've seen dogs go up to 10 or 11 and its pretty cute. I used hand signals for that one more than words.

Haha. I taught napolean to kind of scratch his face as he lays on the floor in "bang bang' position. That's a cool trick!

ROFL I love the play dead in your arms. That is truly amazing.

What a fancy pants! I haven't really taught Ace anything out of the ordinary. I think our most complicated "trick" would be swiveling around his rear end while keeping contact with his front paws.

I love it! Rear end awareness is pretty important for dogs :)

Ahhh so jealous of Ace's rear end awareness! I've been trying to teach Luke to back up in heel position but it's a serious work in progress lol. Right now he will do about 4-5' backwards but then he always wants to sit down, silly dog!

That is pretty good but Dino can play chess...he is not that good I beat him 2 out of 3 games

Franklin prefers Backgammon

Hehe. I bet he'll get you back.

Franklin looks very intense there...

Nice!!! ;)great video!


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