Tonight, at the dog park i saw and heard Carly barking i looked around to find her barking at a young girl the same size and age , 8yrs. as my granddaughter who was with me. My first response was i guessed she trying to get her to play , but then i realized she didnt want the child near her. I told the girl to back away because i saw carly was scared, but i dont know why.. I have seen Carly be fearful at men and older children while we are out walking the neighborhood, but never one that is so close to the age of my grand child. She loves Madalyn and my other granddaughters. I wonder why all of a sudden shes so fearfu? Id love to hear your comments and yes shes been to obedience class and has been socialized but has always been rather fearful of strangers .  Is there anything i need to be doing i havent thought of?

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yes she could have been... off guard .. for sure. I think ill take her back tonight ans see what happens..


Sometimes people will stare at a dog with out realizing that it is really a very aggressive thing in the dog world. The child may have been interested and just stared too long. Our doberman is quite sensitive to that and I just tell kids how to greet her appropriately. I have her sit and then stand next to the child so they can pet her. You can explain that staring can be intimidating to a dog because dogs do not stare when they greet.

Well instead of going to the dog park i took her and frankie to petco, wow!! that was a challenge for me two Frankie  got lots of attention as i knew he would so she was forced to sit by and watch ...i told her to be nice a couple of times but she did wonderful.. Nobody wanted to touch her, i think  she gives off a non friendly vibe. Haha.. but she actually did get a few pets from a couple of young ladies , they were in there teens , and like i said before i have several grandaughter , they range from 18months to 18 yrs.. So i figure that since she loves macey sh would like them and she did.  Go figure?  Im happy shes happy.

I know what you mean about the stare.. i think when the guys look at her full on she feels threatened. so i tell them to let her make  the move if she want to greet. Otherwise i dont make her . We did treats afterward i told her what a good girl she was and Frankie got a little socializing along with it.. all good.. He was so funny barking his head off at a lab pup his same age.. my little talker.. made a scene in petco.. but they thought he was adorable .everybody does..


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