Last night I took Odin out to poop. It was too dark for me too look at it. I always like to check it to make sure he is okay. Well this morning I took him out again an it looks like some intestine is still wrapped around the poop from last night. Its like he started out okay, but half way through something went wrong.

I am attaching the picture so people can choose to look at it. It's not too bad. It's taken from my camera phone since I can't find the cord to my regular camera...

***He hasn't pooped since...I will let you know what happens. He isn't coming off like he's in i guess we will see. It may be nothing, but its just weird that the stool is still in its casing...

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Did he eat something he shouldn't have? I have seen some weird poop with mine and it's been after eating something...
It sounds like it is mucus that is coating the stool. Is the stool firm or diarrhea? It could be an indication of inflammation of the large intestine.

I couldn't look at the picture because I'm at work at that might look strange. :)
Haha! I waited til I got home from school to look. I worried about someone walking past and asking, "What's THAT??" Or wondering what aspect of my research it could possibly be.... But I agree-- looks like some mucus.
Lol that's why I made sure to post as an attachment. The only thing I can think of is that he's been eating a lot of dirt. The stool that is cased is firm. I am still waiting on a poop:/...he always goes in the morning after he eats..I'm kinda worried. But at the same time I don't want to be the parrionid mother. He is acting normal. I push on his belly and he doesn't think anything of it. I wil feel better if I can get a normal poop.
I don't think you need to panic. Finn has had bouts of unusual stools and it usually rights itself. The longest was an episode of diarrhea which went on every day for over a month. The vet did tests and gave drugs and it wasn't until we switched his food that it went away. that was the only time it was chronic and we had to take action. Other times I don't know what causes it. Could be that he ate too many treats at my Mom's, ate rawhide or something completely unknown. He'll sometimes have a couple bowel movements with mucus then it goes away or a couple soft stools that go away. If his tummy is upset you can offer a Pepsid and make sure he drinks water and do not give treats. You can even skip a meal or two to give his tummy a break. See what it's like when he goes again and if there is no change wait and see how it is tomorrow. If he is acting fine otherwise, I wouldn't rush him in to the vet.

Was he straining more than usual when he went? Did he keep trying to go but nothing else was coming out?
Thank you for the reassurance. I googled it from my phone. And found people with the same issue. "Stool that looks like it has a sasuage casing" lol..and couldn't really find an answer. But the owners didn't seem to worried, nor did they come back saying that something bad happened.

I don't think he was straining. He walked away with out trying again.
My guess is the next poop will be fine.Just watch and see and try not to worry.I agree that I don't think he has to see a vet unless it continues for a few days!
He pooped! was a little sandy then normal looking. Thank you to everyone for the reassurance
I could re-pave my driveway with all of the sand/dirt that Nutmeg and Cinnamon eat. Cinnamon (knock on wood) is very regular just like Odin. Nutmeg goes at any time, but always outside. I love her!
Glad everything is ok. I had a feeling he'd be just fine. Now when it happens again (and it will) you know you don't need to worry.
Did you ever think you'd become so obsessed with poop? Only other dog owners can understand our need to discuss, analyze and (gulp) photograph this stuff. This reminds me of one day when I freaked out because Ethel pooped out something that looked like foul mud (on no! internal bleeding! trauma! ER!) until I remembered, she had actually eaten a load of foul mud earlier that afternoon -- and then it all made sense. Glad your pup is okay! Keep watching the poop! ;-)
looks like mucus to me!


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