Hi everyone...just wanted to give a quick update on the issues I'd mentioned before with Heidi and cutting her nails. Due to her already being a little on the pudgy side, I decided to skip the excellent suggestions of peanut butter and/or other special treats and go straight for the soft muzzle. It worked very well. I made sure to find a very soft, padded, comfy one that was loose enough that she could still lick me, but tight enough that she could no longer bite me when I tried to clip her nails. After many treats (to get her used to putting it on and wearing it), and then many more cuddles, "shhh!" 's, and LOTS of patience and concerted effort to remain in a calm state myself, I was able to clip her nails without any apparent trauma. (And of course, she got LOTS of treats after we were all done!!) For some reason the muzzle just seemed to calm her down once the option to snap at me was removed. Just thought I would update you all in case anyone else may be wondering about the same thing, or having the same issues. I know we all know our own dogs best, and must find the solution that works best for them. This ended up being the best solution for me and Heidi. I'm hoping that once we use this method for nail clipping long enough and she learns to stay calm and submit to it, that maybe one day in the future I can lose the muzzle all together. That's my goal! :) Corgi kisses and hugs to all our furbabies!

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Thank you! Jack does not bite me, just pulls away or licks at me, but I may try the muzzle to see if it has that calming effect. I'm glad it's working for you.
WOW...glad it worked!
Al freaks when I clip his claws. It helps a lot to have an assistant distract/reassure him.
Very good point! I didn't really mean throw it away, just not having to make her wear it anymore is one of our long-term goals. But thanks for pointing that out, I wouldn't have thought of it. I've been meaning to get an animal first aid kit, speaking of which. They seem like handy things. :)
I have two kits in my trunk. One for horses and the other for dogs. They are just Sterilite containers but in the dog one I have three leashes, two harnesses, six collars, four muzzles, vet wrap, baby aspirin, a bag of treats, some soft rope, gauze, bandaids, some feminine pads, and various other supplies. You never know when you'll need something.
Wonderful news that you found something that worked for you and your girl!


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