Whenever Jasper does something naughty I give him a stern "NO!" as I have since he first came home. I used to do it when he went potty in the house and he would slink away and look all sorry, but he hasn't done that in a long while. These days, it's usually for something like tearing up a tissue or napkin since he's a really good boy for the most part, especially for being only 6 months old. The deal is, now whenever I say "NO!" in my mean voice, instead of slinking away he runs full speed over to me, jumps up on me and starts licking my face. I have no clue what could have spawned this behavior, but it's almost like he's trying to suck up to me or apologize really quickly before I get too mad (although I'm probably humanizing him too much). The plus is that he always immediately stops the bad behavior, which I guess is ultimately the goal, but he doesn't really regard "NO!" as any form of punishment. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the behavior isn't really a problem, it's just strange and perplexing. Does anyone have an idea as to why he does this or have a pup that reacts this way? Just curious. : )

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Hmmm. Without seeing his posture it's tough to say. Are his ears slightly back when he runs up to you? Face-licking in dogs can be a sign of submission, so he could be saying "You're the boss! Whatever you say!"

Not sure though. He might also just have done it once and you laughed or something and he learned that behavior is rewarding.

One of the smart people around here might know....
He kind of just acts the way he does when I first get home and he gets on my lap to greet me. He always seems excited about it, so I probably did unknowingly reinforce the behavior by laughing about it the first few times...I couldn't help it, it was so funny! It doesn't really bother me though. I'd prefer this behavior over him ignoring me or running away with something he's not supposed to have.
When Sparty was a puppy a stern NO would set him off barking and racing around the house! At least Jasper is trying to pay attention to you. Your no is obviously serving the purpose of changing the behavior. Punishment really isn't the goal anyway. Izzy will put her ears down and look all worried but as soon as your back is turned she will likely do it again. Their quirky behavior is my favorite part of corgis!
Do you really think it's an act of defiance? He always immediately stops the behavior and never immediately goes back to being naughty. At this point, he still obeys when I tell him to "drop it" and listens when I tell him to come in from outside. If this is the beginning of his "defiance" stage I will definitely make sure I am serious with my commands!
My guess is Kerry was commenting on my very naughty Sparty who fortunately has outgrown his very defiant behaviors. Although at ten he has still been known let out a quiet woof when being scolding. Right, Kerry? Your pup probably senses your disapproval and is trying to determine what you want. It sounds like a good sign to me. I guess he could be trying to dominant you but I doubt it.
My beagle is a seriously submissive dog and that is how she reacts if I act stern or say no. It is actually hard to go through the alpha dog behavior I need to display to my corgi pup because Beagleton is pandering and licking and submitting every time I need to discipline Corgison. It's like she is trying to keep the peace.
Atlas does something similar, if he is trying to get into the garbage or the cat litter etc., and I pull him back he'll sometimes bite me at me (not in a blatently aggressive way, but more in a grumpy way, it's not hard), whenever he does that I don't even have to scold him as his ears will go back and he'll start licking me like crazy as if to say "I'm so sorry!", and he'll flop around on his back.
It's like he forgets sometimes and thinks he's the alpha, and then he remembers that he's not and feels bad about it.


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