It may sound silly, but I've been looking for the perfect collar -- soft, sturdy, and of course a very flattering color :).  Right now we've got green going on (I think it looks pretty against the sable/red).  What color/kind of collar does your corgi sport?

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Pink and black zebra print for our JP!! We only have a non-fur son so we totally spoil our fur daughter!!:-)
I have 3 collars for every dog....I have the pretty and then for days like today with the Ren Fest I use a safer nylon buckle collar. I watch the close out aisles and buy ahead....just in might say I'm obssessed with collars but I donate old ones to the humane society! I also try to "match" for collars and the dog and also the leashes when possible. I agree green is pretty on the red/white. I also like the black with embroidery!
I use RUFF WEAR collars on my dogs. They have wonderfull products and I own several different kinds. I have life vests,and over coats for really cold temps that might happen once in awhile for the corgi's. My lab had collars,over coat, and a wind proof jacket called a cloud chaser from these guys =) Teagens collar has pinks and Jordans collar has burnt oranges and deep red's
We buy Ruffwear collars and products for Alwyn too!! Mountainsmith is another good brand! Nice to see another fan. He also has a beautiful striped blue and black collar from REI and a more fancy one for an special occasion (Ok judge all you want, lol) that has beautiful geometric patterns with light browns, blues and white.
i have gone through a TON of collars with my far my favorite brands are Walk-E-Woo and New Earth Soy collars. The Walk-e-Woo's have really cute ribbon designs, from "Tattoo style" ribbons to polk-a-dots. Walk-e-Woo's can be kinda expensive, but they are really cute! The soy collars are a single color, but they are so soft!!! especially when my guys have worn them for a while, they only get softer the more they're worn (and not to mention, they're pretty darn cheap!)
Too many! lol Ashton doesn't wear a collar 24/7 but currently rotates through three different collars depending. His main is a Lupine red bandanna print collar, then a green collar with sheep and the newest one which was a gift from a kennel club member since she thought the cartoony dog on the collar looks like a corgi and reminded her of Ashton. lol

Lupine collars are really nice since they have a guarantee even if chewed. When Ashton was a pup I swear we went through about 10 collars and only paid for one. He thought collars were meant to be pulled off then used as a chew toy. Makes replacing so many collars not so painful. The last destroyed collar happened while he was waiting in the Cabella's in store dog kennel while we shopped. Apparently we took too long shopping and he got bored even though he did have a toy with him. :P
What a great question!! I have been looking for a new collar for Olive. She turns 6 months old today and is out growing her puppy collar. It's a beautiful grass green corduroy and looks lovely on her. We (Olive and I) went shopping yesterday for a new one but she was much more interested in the rawhides and dog treats that were displayed at Corgi nose height. I felt like a mother with a teenage and trying to shop for clothes that she didn't want. I might have to buy a few and bring them home for her to try on. I do love the green on her red and white neck and I think with a name like Olive it should be green!
I really like the lupine collars because even if there chewed u can get a free one :P lol teddy isn't a big chewer but still its nice. They have really nice colorse and patterns to choose from. I have the "muddy paws" one. One side is blue and the other is a redish color with paws all over it. They even have that design in green with reddish brown:)
Madoc wears a Lupin ("muddy paws" light blue/brown) for dress up, and I have sent back a chewed up one for a replacement. They are a very responsive company. He has the matching leash and harness. But we have some everyday collars/leashes too (Petsmart) for exercise and play. How do you clean a stinky collar? I tried immersing one in a mixture of dog shampoo and baking soda and then drying in the sun. But still a tad stinky.
Sidney's color is green too! We assign a color for each of the dogs here, from collars to leashes to their folder that holds their vet forms, license papers etc. I also think the green looks great against the red/white of his fur. Chester (the black lab/dane) has blue, and Bruce (the sable corgi/elkhound) has red.

Sidney's constant color is a regular buckle collar from Mac's Pack. This collar holds his tags so he wears it all the time. It is lightweight, and the designs are awesome. If the fabric wears out or fades, they just ask you to send it to them and they will make another one using the hardware from the original collar.

They are local here in SoCal, so I've seen them in person at our local dog events. Wonderful, nice people!

We use a martingale collar for going out on leash. Mac's Pack also makes those, but I have not ordered one yet. We'll wait until our store-bought one wears out.
They also sell leashes to match.
I'm a bit of a collar addict. Stanley has like 5 or 6 collars. I just can't help myself :) But my favorite brand is Up Country. The majority of his collars are that brand and I think they are great.
Oooh, thanks for the link! This one has a Koi collar! :)


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