so what has made everyone here fall for this amazing breed? is it that natural smile? this cute little ears? or those adorable short legs? 

for me it was love at first sight. first seen them in books but then i seen a beautiful corgi at a park and spent hours playing with it and fell deeply in love lol i wanted one ever since. that wonderful personality just cant be beat along with that natural smile, that corgi smile is what really took my heart.

if u have a story to tell please share:)

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I knew nothing about corgis till I got Wynn 5 years ago and my husband was not happy as he heard they were "stubborn and hard headed" gee imagine that. Well he has changed his mind and we are so happy that Wynn picked me (he really did)! As you can see we couldn't have just one! Gotta love almost everything about these dogs except for their bark and shedding!
Training(most) all has been such an easy chore with these guys and how they just "get it". So I guess also loyalty is a big one also!
aww thats so cute that he picked you like that:) my husband also did the same thing actually lol but now he just loves corgis. we want another one but we are waiting till next year. they are really smart and you are right they just get what you want them to do or what you are asking them:)
The smile! The loyalty! The love!
gotta love that!:)
I was a teenager watching dog shows and dreaming about showing my own dog when I fell in love with corgis. I always loved their happy attitude as they cruised around the ring. My decision to get one was cinched when I watched Harry P the first couple of times. I just thought he was the most amazing looking dog I had ever seen, and I decided right then and there that a cardigan was the dog of choice for me! After getting Frosty, I was astounded by his enormous personality in such a little package. My husband and his whole family were not impressed with my choice of dog, but once we brought Frosty home, they have had nothing but great things to say about him. He listens well, is a great family companion, is always doing something to make us laugh, and is just an all around great guy. I can't wait to get another!
I was 8...! Yes, 8 years old. There was a movie on the Disney Channel called "Murder She Purred" and it was one of my favorite movies at the time-- I'd watch it whenever it came on. It was set in Virginia (my home state) and wasn't colonial or whatever. It starred a middle-aged tabby cat and a sort of dim-witted short-legged dog. He was so friendly and lovable in the movie and I couldn't get enough of him. I didn't learn what the breed was until 8 years later when I was 16, but whenever I saw one I freaked out a little bit and kept telling my parents I wanted one. Best decision ever.
I just watched this movie (at the age of 28) and fell in love! So cute!
I'm not sure. I had a corgi mix that was my all time best friend, and always will be. I've always thought they were cute, and Dillon just happened to come in to my life by the grace of God....but now that I have Seanna, I just absolutely am fanatical about them. Maybe it's the fairy dust...
My aunt, uncle and cousin live on a acrage and has a big love for animals they always has dogs, horses, cats, rabbits.... Me being an animal lover as well always spend long weeks, holidays, summer vacation over playing with my cousin who is just a year older, when it was rainy or when we got to cold playing in the snow we would come in and watch any show dealing with animals. One day we desided to name the breeds we wanted when we get older, mine where all big dogs. And that is when i first heard of the corgi and she told me all about them later that visit we saw one on the dog show. It was love at first sight! One day when me and my boyfriend started dating 5 years ago we where driving and we passed a gentle man walking two and i pointed out that was the dog i wanted, he said he really liked them two. WHAT do i love about them, ummmm EVERY THING! Mainly they have a personality of a big dog in a little short body. I have never been a fan of small dogs, i love all dogs but would never get a small dog. EXCET A CORGI!!! I love how you can't help but smile when you see one. How rare and special they are, how they smell, the feel of the fur, they don't slober like a big dog, the smile, the ears, the butt (tail or no tail), the short little legs, the way they walk and run, the bark isn't yappy for high pitch like little dogs, how smart they are, how stubborn they are matched my personality.... well i could go on forever the only thing i don't like is how i want more than i can have!
we had a few clients at the vet I worked at who would come in with their corgis bounding in front of them, whole body wiggling with a HUGE smile on their faces. My favorite was a little tri, she was so sweet and friendly and happy. After that every corgi that came in to work I made it my own personal mission to interact with and talked to all the owners and did a TON of research and found them to be the perfect dog for me. I finally was able to get one and he is everything I had hoped for. Happy, loyal, smart, sweet, and the biggest clown I've ever met. It's funny how corgi's have such a bad rap about being stubborn and mean and bark too much etc, but once people actually meet a corgi they fall in love. All of my friend's and family insisted that a corgi would be a bad choice but now EVERY person Franklin meets falls in love with the breed and wants one of their very own.
My family was the same way thought the corgi wasn't going to be right for me and that deffinitly not for them. But after meeting them they love them and comment on how perfect dogs we have, and how they want one and how they are doing to steel our dogs, even my two cousins that are cat people have said that if they do ever deside to get a dog it would have to be a corgi (both have kids that have bagged to get a dog).
Cowboy Bebop! Then I actually got one, now I'm hooked:)


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