I took Becca to the vet this afternoon. The vet thinks it may be a Lyme flare up. They did blood work. The courier had just left, so no results until Wednesday. Depending on what the results show Becca may go on antibiotics again.

I'm a little worried about Becca today. She has been off the past several days. I was blaming it on the fact that roofers were working on the building. After being home with her for the weekend I think there may be more to it.

She has been anxious, inattentive and not listening to commands. She also has been balking on walks, stopping and not wanting to go. She seems a little lethargic today. Becca is not limping, and eating normally.

Thursday night we started a new obedience class. She was way off her game there. I blamed it on the roofing. Now I am wondering if she isn't feeling well and it is uncomfortable to do what I am asking for. She did test positive for Lyme in March and was treated. I plan on calling the vet tomorrow and getting her in asap. I need any reassurance I can get until then.

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She may be off her game because of the roofers...I know my Katie gets funky when we are having any work done around here.  But it's a good idea to have her checked especially if she was positive for Lyme even if treated.  Let us know how she is.

Some simple things can make them act strange and for me many times I have no clue. Good idea to have her checked though.

It can't hurt to check her out, but your first instinct could be right: it could have well been the roofers working on the building, especially if she was home by herself.  She may have felt vulnerable and become a bit nervous about her environment not being able to process or figure out what was going on.  My dogs spook when we have someone on our roof, cleaning gutters or whatever and I move them around so the noise is not directly above them, as much as I can.  I am home with them, but can imagine it would be more so if I was not there.I would avoid being anxious about her, or she may interpret it as you also feeling unsure and equating that with needing to worry. Just chill out with her, don't put demands on her, figure she has time off and give it a week or so to get back in her routine.

If more work is being done on the roof, I would leave noise on in the house, like TV, radio and the like, to mask the banging.   

Follow your instincts.  My dogs don't want to go on a walk after hearing firecrackers and thunderstorms Maybe roofers sound like firecrackers and it freaked her out, but maybe something else is up. I have only regretted going to the vet once or twice in all my years of pets.  But even those times, it was worth the peace of mind.

Thanks...posted update above.

Sorry you have to wait till Wednesday.  They will always show a mild positive for Lyme once they have had it, that's what my vet explained to me about Max.  I've often wondered if his neck problem isn't from Lyme.  I guess there is no way to really tell but as long as he is helped by acupuncture we are good to go.

Please let us know what the results are.


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