Since Zip died a few weeks ago I have been checking out corgi rescues/mixes. I have narrowed it down to 2.


Tank- large mix corgi with several other breeds.Tank is about 1 year old. He is in foster care and is a very mellow 50-60 # dog. His original family did DNA testing on him and he is very much a heinz 57, he has been through obedience class and just is a real lover.

Tank is living in MN and Sage,my 3year old grandson and I are going to visit him next week.If he doesn't seem appropriate then we will most likely get Meg.


Meg- most likely a corgi/shepard mix is in a rescue but also a foster home. Meg is about 1 year old. Meg is over 8 hours from here and I believe that she would be much easier to place.Meg is in a corgi rescue and the owner thinks that our place would be great for her also. She is said to be very sweet.


My thought is that Meg may easily find a home as she is just about 35 pounds but Tank being BIG will have more of a problem finding a home.


Any thoughts would be appreciaited!

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Um...take both!!!!  Well, I know that's probably not the answer.  I'm not being helpful.  They both sound's really a decision on if you want a big dog (Tank) or a big dog in smaller body (Meg).  I'm so sorry about Zip.

@ Ellen....I would but then I'd probably be looking for a new home too:) I do love big dogs and I love shepards soooo I don't know what to do!

Haha, I love Tank's name! 


I agree that Tank would be harder to place, but I also think bigger dogs can be lots of fun if you have the room for them!  A family friend used to breed Great Danes (now she just rescues them) and I used to have all sorts of fun playing "Pony" with them when I was little.



I  also love big dogs! Yes, when I grew up we had a big lab  that I played "pony" with:) We have 12 plus acres so we have the room and are adding a 2nd HUGE fence!

Tank is a great name!!!


Hmmmm...I would meet both and go with your gut.  I also love big dogs...
When I saw the title before reading the article, my thought was to go with the one that would be harder to find a home for. They both sound very sweet though. Either way, you can't go wrong. =)
I agree with Jennifer, if possible to meet both dogs, I would do that and you will get a better feel for which dog will be the one to rescue.
Meg lives in St,Louis, MO so I just can't take off to go see her it would be about a 10 hour drive each way with stopping. Plus with the price of gas...I just couldn't do it twice!
yeah that would be hard to do..not so close!!  I would get a good description of their personalities and go with your instincts and who you would be more comfortable with.
I am thinking right now that a neutered male would "fit" better than a female...but I guess I'll have to wait till Tues. to meet Tank... he is (I guess) as the foster describes him as "sturdy". He's not real tall but has a long torso....imagine that!
Honestly I would go with whichever you think would be more compatible with your current pack.  That way you'll have fewer issues if you need to foster for a long time.


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