Corgi Friends!

                   Help our yard looks like an abandon minefield! Anybody have any suggestions! Right now we have big stones covering the holes but we're thinking if it ever starts raining  we're going to have a big mud pit! We've put a fence around the worst spot to keep the kids out of it in hopes grass will grow one day if it ever rains... We were going to fill in the holes with fresh dirt then cover with straw but we're figuring the wind will just blow it away. Dad thought about getting bags of the cedar chips that normally goes inside dog beds. I'm too scared of  regular mulch. My fear is that Cooper eats whatever...Any ideas friends?

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I kind of want to see a picture of this... lol!

Is it because he's digging? Or...??

Are you looking to stop a behavior or just general yard advice?
If your dog is digging theres a few things to do....
1) give them a place to dig IE sandbox either build one that you have a cover over to keep other critters digging and pooping in, put lots of treats and toys in the box. Why dig up worms and flowers when we can dig up toys and cookies! If you catch your dog digging in the no areas redirect them to the sandbox
2) if the sand box doesn't work and we're still digging put their poo in the holes they dig, dogs don't like to dig where they poop!

Hope that helps
Got a pic? How big of an area are we looking at fixing?
Don't have any suggestions other than plant the grass and fence the dogs out of those spots. I also have unstuffed toys that show up once in awhile! Good luck and let us know if what youchoose to do works!
Olive was digging up lily bulbs so we laid out two strips of chicken wire over the bed and that seemed to put a stop to her fun and digging. Good luck!
Thanks for everyone's ideas! I'll try for some pics...Really I think the digging started because of moles and I suspect the fun has just gone on from there. Back in the day when we just had Callie I put pin wheels in the ground anything that would vibrate. That seemed to keep the moles out of the yard but now with Cooper...Well he thinks EVERYTHING is just put out for his enjoyment to chew. So I put anything I can think of on the fence to blow in the wind but nothing is sacred in the yard from Mr. Chew Butt! My husband wants to put mole traps where the kids can't get to them but I just really hate to go that route. In the meantime we're just trying to plan ahead before the rain starts if it ever does since I'm sure then we'll have a mud wrestling court! Part of the fun will be since the kids have their own pet door and the digging goes on when I'm at work...We can shut them out of the main part of the house but keeping them from digging is hopeless. I'm just trying to think of ways to fill the holes & prevent mud pits. Right now we have BIG rocks covering the holes and really the digging seems to have slowed up just left with sooo many holes...We'll be tossing around your ideas and I'll keep all posted...


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