Corgies with fears and phobias


Corgies with fears and phobias

My older dog is so afraid of storms and fireworks. It seems like he is getting worse! He trembles, pants, and tries to hide. He gets in small spaces, and gets into the bathtub. He even salivates. Dose anyone use any medication their dogs anxiety?

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Started by Cassandra. Last reply by Cassandra Jul 17, 2010. 2 Replies

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Comment by sarah stravinska on September 29, 2009 at 12:35am
Frodo has decided that my electronic picture frame is a threat. When it is on he stares at it and does his soft "vacuum cleaner" woofs, then some loud "you'd better watch it!" barks. He doesn't react to the TV, which would be similar to the photos moving across the picture frame. Storms don't bother him.
Comment by Amanda + Beverley on September 12, 2009 at 5:47pm
Hey! My Corgi's name is Beverley, and we just recently found out that she is deathly afraid of cats! haha The last time she saw one was in a apt building. She walked in, saw the cat, then ran all the way down the buildings hallway and pee'd herself!
Comment by Mendy Miller on August 21, 2009 at 9:49pm
Well, I posted the question, and I guess no one medicates for storm terrors. I considered what everyone said, and continued to try non medicinal routes. I should have trusted my own instinct. I think what Petie has is a full blown terror of storms. After 5 days of particularly bad storms, Petie became so ill that he couldn't eat. If he drank water, it errupted from his mouth. He had become so stressed he was a mess. After nausea medication, acid blockers, and special food, as well as an anti anxiety medication for when it was storming, x-rays, and hundreds of dollars in vet bills, he is almost back to normal. I wish I would have gone to the vet before. The medication she gave me doesn't dope him at all. It just takes away the anxiety. I feel SO guilty for all the years I let him suffer! All the shaking and hiding and fear that I could have spared him. So I have some advice. Talk to your vet.
Comment by Noah & Jill Davis on July 20, 2009 at 9:16pm
Finally the week of the 4th of July is over. As the week went on, Iggy got worse with all of the fireworks. He has been hiding under our steps and will not come out. Now we have some thunderstorms rolling through and he is getting nervous. It seems that he is getting worse as he gets older.
Comment by Mendy Miller on July 2, 2009 at 11:18pm
Petie is making my other corgi nervous. Fireworks are starting to get nightly.
Comment by Mendy Miller on June 26, 2009 at 3:43pm
Peties problem started when we were at the kennel club training. He was only about 8 moths old. There was a storm with lots of large hail on a corrigated metal building. On the way home was the worst lightening storm I've ever seen. I've tried distraction. He has his hiding places. This dog has terrors, not mild anxieties. I have no storm anxieties. De-escalation technique not somewhat helpful, but as he gets older I really worry about him. No one has tried sedatives? I worry about using them at his age too, but I'm sure it's not good for him to rev his metabolism like that.
Comment by Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's on June 24, 2009 at 10:36am
My oldest-Huckleberry goes crazy with thunder and lightening. Also, fireworks do not make him happy. I live in a ranch house and he runs from one end to the other, barking, panting, sometimes even poops. I have recently tried keeping him in the laundry room since it is a much smaller room and he won't have to back in forth in the house. He is in good shape, but he is 10 and I am afraid he is going to have a heart attach.
Anyone have other remedies.. (he can hear the storm coming about 20-30 minutes before it arrives)
Comment by Carol & Ein & Widget on June 24, 2009 at 9:32am
i do not medicate for fear, this is a distraction bone time...You have to be calm, too, don't play to the fear. Ein is close to 5 now, and we have big thunderstorms and he didn't care about them until lightning hit the transformer across the street last year, now he goes and hides. Not a happy camper, so I talk to him and tell him 'boom noise coming' as the flashes happen...Give him a cave-like secure place and talk to him, without worry in your voice....argh, it's still worrisome i know, but our being calm and there is the best thing....

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