
Corgis Remembered

Post photos and memories of beloved corgis that are gone but never forgotten.

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30 year old photo - Rookie, w. baby Lindsay

Rookie loved Lindsay and was always there protecting her. I can't imagine ever worrying about how Rookie would react to the birth of Lindsay, our first baby. I also can't imagine keeping them apart. Prior to our babies, Rookie was always with me. No matter how late I'd be up working, he'd be right there with his regal head on my foot. He was incensed when we came home with a new Corgi, Maggie. Maggie was 14 wks. and Rookie was 6 mo. He tried every which way to keep from entering a room. When she persevered, he pushed her into our pool. Eventually they became inseparable best friends. But, Maggie never was devoted to the babies like Rookie. Maybe Rookie just kept them to himself.

Discussion Forum

Losing my best friend :-(

Started by Carolyn Pippin and Gambler. Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Feb 15, 2012. 10 Replies

How do I ever get over losing my best friend? I had to make the awful decision to send her over The Bridge on Oct 10 2011. Still to this day I cry over losing her. I do have a new puppy coming Feb…Continue

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on February 20, 2010 at 9:06pm
Thanks so much for your comment. I hesitated not wanting to cause pain but rather recognize our Corgis AND other pets and post photos and memories.
I am so glad that I did because I loved your story about Corky and I hope to dig out some photos of my corgis before digital photos! I think all of us feel guilty any time we lose someone special...shoulda, coulda, woulda. But, this kind of thinking doesn't change a thing except make you more sad. As a teenager, I actually let my dog, Lucky, outside because I was too lazy to walk him. He was a street smart chow-foxterrier mix that we rescued from an old sofa someone put out on the street in Brooklyn. But, his hearing was going and I knew it. I only hope that it was quick. I still feel guilt to this day. I think I fell in love with corgis after losing Lucky. I thought that corgis looked more like a mutt than Lucky...and I never wanted a purebred. Interesting that back then there wasn't a term "rescue" dog. Now I feel guilty if I choose to buy a puppy from a reputable breeder rather than an adult rescue. At different times we have different needs & I feel that we have to go with our heart and not judge.
Comment by Scott Wiley on February 20, 2010 at 6:29pm
thanks for starting this group, I was thinking about writing down the story of Corky anyway after reading some of the other things on this site. One of the best ways of preserving history is writing it down with pictures included. I love this site and seeing and reading about everyone's Corgis, those living and those who are in the big playland in the sky
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on February 20, 2010 at 4:38pm
@scott- Your Corky was a well-loved dog, so clear from the photos. Your story broke my heart, especially the pain you carry because you feel it was your fault. I hope with time and your new "herd" of herders, that your pain and esp. the guilt are less. It was an accident. The sad part is the brief lifetime of our pets. We know from the beginning that the odds are that we will outlive our corgi kids. I don't even celebrate Lucy's birthdays because I don't like to keep track of her age. I want her to be a young puppy forever. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story of Corky with us.
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on February 20, 2010 at 4:22pm
@Edward and Gemima- Edward is adorable. I think nothing helps the heart heal better than a new puppy! Having lost our corgi, Annie, to a car accident, I know how hard it is to lose someone precious so quickly and unexpectedly. How did Gemima, Phinneas's littermate respond? I was surprised when Emily, litter mate to Dylan, died suddenly

. They had been inseparable since birth. Their breeder would not separate them & would only sell them together. They would chase each other around the house and yard til exhausted, then plop down next to each other and Emily would lick Dylan's ear. I expected Dylan to be devastated by the loss. We kept waiting for a reaction, a change in behavior. But, he showed no reaction at all.
Comment by Darlene Hennessy on February 20, 2010 at 12:59pm
Steve and Kathy: Corky sounds like he was a wonderful companion. I was very moved by your story. I can't even imagine the pain and agony you must have felt. Thank you for sharing your story.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on February 20, 2010 at 11:47am
oops, I meant October 2009 to June 2009. It's hard to think about it.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on February 20, 2010 at 11:41am
Thanks for adding this group, that's my little boy Phinneas on the right. He was born October 4 2008 and we lost him to a fatal car accident while at our cabin this past June 2008. He is Gem's litter mate and saved her from the car accident by being in the front. She only sustained a minor abrasion. It still hurts to know he is gone. We call him our angel dog. My father in law passed 2 weeks before him so we know they are both in good company!!

Comment by Bev Levy on February 20, 2010 at 8:35am
Corgi hugs!
Comment by Scott Wiley on February 19, 2010 at 10:30pm
Kathy said she would post the pictures if I would write the story about Corky so here goes.

The story of Corky
The first time I ever sat down and watched the Westminster dog show on TV, I saw this wonderful looking Pembroke Corgi and decided then and there that I needed one. After conspiring with my daughter who thought she needed one of them too, we started the constant whining about how much we needed our own Corgi. It only took two years and a lot of begging but I got my own puppy, Corky the Corgi, for my birthday. He wasn’t old enough to leave his mother yet so I had to wait. And wait. And wait. When he was weaned and ready to go, we loaded up and went to get him. It was only 10 hours one way, just a short drive when there is a puppy waiting for me!
By the time we got home, he was already attached. For the rest of his life he was always with me no matter what I was doing, no matter where I would go. It got to where if you could find him, you could find me as he was never very far away from me. On the rare occasion that I would be out of town where he could not go, he would sleep on my dirty clothes or on the bed in my spot. He was the most devoted dog I have ever seen. Corky became a mascot of sorts for the girls track teams as he would go with us to watch our daughter run. He became the king of the fairgrounds during fair each year as we live at the grounds during the fair. Kids would come and ask if they could take him for walks and he loved being around all of those kids. When he got tired of them he would hide where they could not bug him, but if he noticed that I was going somewhere to do something he was Johnny on the spot ready to go.
When it came to working cows, Corky would start shaking with excitement at the mention of or the site of a cow. When in town one day, he was in his usual perch, on the console next to me, and we drove by the Meadowgold Dairy which has a large cow up on the roof. He saw that and went nuts, he knew that cow was not supposed to be up there! He liked going to town, especially when he had on his doggles and people would see him sitting there like a movie star with his shades on. A & W was the best place to stop and get some cheese curds and ice cream.
Corky was my shadow, always there, always willing. He would work cows until he could hardly walk but still be going until the job was done. He had to have a bath when we got done cause he would be totally covered with mud and green digested grass. If I woke up in the middle of the night, I had to hear his doggy snores to let me know that everything was right in the world. Almost every morning he would come into the office while I was reading email or news and sit up and wave at me to go and get him either some more food or a new chewy and then sit at my feet until time to go to work. He had become such a part of me, I was so attached I could not even think of life without my devoted companion. Every day he would come up with something new it seemed, he was growing on everybody that he came into contact with. What a dog.
Then it happened, on Friday the thirteenth of all days. I had had dreams, rather nightmares, of my doggy dying in my arms. Sometimes it would be a cow kick to the head, other times it would be getting smashed or run over or some other tragedy but the dreams would end with him in my arms, licking my face and telling me good by. It usually woke me up and I would have to make sure my buddy was ok, I had to hear him breathing on his bed, had to get up and pet him sometimes just to make sure it was a dream. This time it wasn’t. I was living my nightmares. It was raining and the ground was slick. Corky being the ever faithful always with me no matter what dog, was riding along side of me as he always did, in our ATV. We had to get some cattle sorted out that had gone through the fence and got mixed up. With the ground being slick I should have been more careful than I was, I tipped us over and the best friend that I have ever had was in my arms licking my face and telling me good bye as he left this world. It was my fault. I was devastated. I did not know what to do, I just wanted my dog back and that just was not going to happen. I decided that he should be buried in the garden so he would be with me all summer long when we go to the garden to plant, weed and just be there as it is a restful place. I started digging, and digging and digging through my tears and I layed my friend to rest with his bed, coat, toys, chewies and anything that I could find that was his, only thing left was my heart. When our daughter got home from school I had a really hard time telling her what had happened, and it was all my fault.
I spent the next couple of days beating myself up and working on a stone for my best friend’s grave. I had a hard time going to track meets or anywhere really because everybody wanted to know where Corky was. All I could say was that he was gone, I could not tell the truth that I had killed him. Yes accidents do happen but I caused this one and I am paying for it still and I will never forget our last moments together. Ever. If I saw anyone playing with their dog all I wanted was my doggie back and that was not going to happen. Luckily for me I am married to a real good woman and she wanted to find me another puppy to replace my friend. I never realized how much she loved Corky until he was gone. She has never been attached to any animal that I knew of until she was crying for Corky We went to work looking, calling and emailing trying to find puppies cause it was like we had lost a kid and my life is not the same without some slurps from a big ole wet tongue.
The thing of it is though, to fill that gap and that big hole, we got two of the short legged, long tongued little rascals. We found Joey in South Dakota and Katie in Iowa, we decided to have a pair of them. Then, our daughters boyfriend gave her another female and so then we were three. Katie had puppies, but only two and she had problems, as the first one was backwards. After a long delivery, she had two puppies but the first one was small and died after a couple of days. Katie was heart broke and she did not even try to care for the remaining puppy so he became part of the family, Hank the Cowdog, began sleeping with us and getting puppy chow at an early age cause his mommy lost all interest in him after the other puppy died.. I knew that Hank was not leaving our family even though he was sold before he was born, everyone was too attached to him by then, so now we have four to fill the hole left by Corky. These dogs are true Corgi’s and I love them to death but there is something about the first one, like the first girlfriend that you ever have that you will never forget, the first love of your life that you will never ever forget. I did bury Katie’s puppy next to Corky, in the garden, right next to the sandstone rock that has on it “Corky, the best ever”.
Comment by Bev Levy on February 19, 2010 at 8:01am
Corky looks pretty happy in those photos! I have not had a waver....cute.

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