
Show Friends

A group for members who show their dogs in conformation, or for members who are interested and want to learn more about showing. Be sure to brag about your wins!

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Started by Ein Danger. Last reply by Mike & Debbie Burk Aug 17, 2010. 11 Replies

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Started by Karen. Last reply by Melissa S. Apr 15, 2010. 9 Replies

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Comment by Wind Dial on August 2, 2010 at 7:58pm
I think having friends in other breeds gives you an outlet to hang out with people who you aren't competeing against in the ring and you can be more open. I mean I have friends in my breed but you sort of feel like you are always under scrutiny with a lot of them even though you are friendly with each other. You don't have the same kind of pressure with friends of other breeds. I have a labrador friend that me and her sort of cry on each others shoulder sort of when things don't go quite right that day. We would never do that in the presence of most of our own breeds comrads. I also have a good chihuahua friend, chow chow friends, English Bulldog friends, sheltie friends, obviously some Frenchie friends and the list goes on that I really enjoy hanging out with at the shows. There is a certain amount of openess between us that is harder to come by in your own breeds circles. It also helps that those friends in other breeds might be showing at a different time and you can help each other ring side if need be.
Comment by Cindy on August 2, 2010 at 3:33pm
I totally agree--look for breeders with other breeds to hang with if you can't find a good group of corgi people. I have friends in all kinds of breeds and we help each other out a lot. I was also very lucky and one of my first dog show friends was an all breed handler and he took us under his wing.

Give it some time and you will happen upon a great group of people in time.
Comment by vicky hyde on August 2, 2010 at 2:41pm
i think i'm missing a typing finger. seems i mis-spellled another word. hate word check so i guess i'll just have to be more careful. bye.
Comment by vicky hyde on August 2, 2010 at 2:40pm
goodness!!!!!!!! i just looked at my spelling and heavens sakes, i need to go back to school!!! foret to tell you, your boy looks adorable.
Comment by vicky hyde on August 2, 2010 at 2:39pm
hi stephanie. i'm assuming that since you mentioned savannah, that you are done in geordia. my frind just went on vacation there and absolutlely loved it. of course a week before she went she found out she was allergic to shell fish and i know she was looking forward to that part. anyway, pop over to Onifrio dog show superientent, go to show info, go to upcoming shows and click on that. look for some shows in your area and goto them and watch everything, especially the corgi ring. shows generally start at 8:00 a.m., so plan on making a day out of it. talk to the corgi people, but wait until they are done showing. when we are at the show, our brains are locked into the show ring. watch different breeds also. watch the different judges and see their personal methods of judging. so many people just concentrate on their breed, but i have alway pushed to watch other breeds. you'll see different handling techniques, a lot of professional handlers, and by watching other breeds, you'll see the judges that you may show under in the future. i know there are plenty of shows in georgia, so get your butt out to them and watch and talk. buy a catalog, and learn how to read it. since your nearest club seems to be on spring break, it looks like your on your own to get started. best thing, just get to some shows and watch and ask. there are different show superintendents also, but onofrio is the easiest site for me to describe for you. after a while, you'll be cruising the other ones also. good luck and keep us informed. also, there are rules about bringing unentered dogs to shows. what you could do if you want other corgi people opinions, would be to bring dog a long and leave in car if weather permits, or go to the show on saturday and make plans with the show folks to see him on sunday. plan on putting alot of time and sweat into this dog show world. it isn't as easy as it looks when watching on t.v. take care
Comment by Wind Dial on August 2, 2010 at 2:10pm
Oh, the part about breeders in the area was that I found other show people because they were also breeders with websites and usually they are not shy about boasting their show accomplishments and showcasing their champions up front. The show breeder folks are kind of the easier show people to find if you know how to look. The internet will be your friend.
Comment by Wind Dial on August 2, 2010 at 2:05pm
I would be willing to bet there are more show people in your area than you think, I was the same way in my area for a long time. Thought it was just me and my mum, that was until I started looking around. I browsed ads for puppies in my area, not to actually buy but just to see who else was out there and have since found a nice little congregation of us now trying to launch a kennel club. You might even ask your vet if he knows anyone that shows their dogs and wouldn't be surprised if he does. Our kennel club isn't just about conformation showing but it is really a network of dog enthusiasts like your self and it has been fun getting to know just how many people there really are in the area that either are or would like to become active in dog competitions. Bad part is that I'm moving out of our new clubs range but will still try to remain a member the best I can but my activity will be limited. New area has a very well established kennel club. I know I would gladly take a newbie with me, any help a lone ranger like I am sometimes if the other kennel club members aren't going. But if all else, if you don't have anybody, it doesn't hurt to go watch. You may make a new friend or find someone from your area. I am just rambling but I did eventually find out there were alot more show people in the area who were thinking the same thing I was all wishing for the same thing, semi local show buddies. SO we decided to start a kennel club once we all found each other.
Comment by Stephanie McVay on August 2, 2010 at 1:42pm
Thanks for the advice! I will definitely try going to a lot of dog shows and working with him more. Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere - with the nearest kennel club an hour away (and i tried to contact them 3 or 4 times with no reply) and the next nearest one is about 4 hours away. His breeder is over 16 hours away. Dogs around where i live aren't very important or well cared for. One time at my parents house (even more in the middle of nowhere) our dog ran into the dirt road in front of the house and a big truck floored it to hit her & even ran over our lawn to chase after her a bit - all while we were standing right in the middle of our yard.... so I don't really have anyone around me to get into this with.

But you guys have already been a great help - I'll be taking your advice! Thanks again!
Comment by shelley power on August 2, 2010 at 10:46am
OH and BTW Stephanie and pups WELCOME!!!
Comment by shelley power on August 2, 2010 at 10:40am
Stephanie, just getting back into showing after 20 years and with a different breed.. and its a whole new game for me, so if your breeder is near enough to work with, thats great advice, if not find shows around you, and go. Find the pems and talk to people, ask questions, and by all means do not be put off if you run into a few who act less than cordial... just plunge on ahead, there are some really nice breeders/ exhibitors out there and you can make some great friends.. Also watch the cardis! Talk to people with cardis too ( they often have or are knowledgeable about pems too)
When I started back into this I was a bit shocked at how things had changed... from how I remembered... But I kept going to more shows and then took the dog to a lot of shows( to watch)anf get used to surroundings, and largely for time for me to make new contacts .. I was kinda dissappointed at the attitude of some I ran into( given I am pretty laid back friendly open person) at the "elitist" and downright snobby attitude of some of the pem people I approached, and then there is the beauty of this board..LOL I went to yet another show with a friend to observe and lo and behold "ran into" Cindy and her crew at a show!! It was a blast( well I thought so , hahahahaah) and Russ thought so :) and tho its a different breed, I the resulting conversations are always of great value! I have been lucky to get to know a couple people on this forum, and they have broadened my perspective greatly and no doubt will be trusted friends.. ( thanks to all>G> )
best advice I ever got hundred years ago as a kid was
Dont be shy, but be respectful, and professional" And that from an elderly 4 foot tall irish lady teaching me the horseshow ring. Go for it and dont give up, choose shows carefully ( travel, expenses, number of dogs likely possible points) find someone near you or who breeds and shows who may be going to shows near you and offer to go along and share expenses....with or without your dog, its good experience. and last "shelley" comment, watch handlers in the ring, even the junior handlers ! invaluable to OBSERVE and you will see "whats good and whats not" watch....
get someone to videotape you as you practice with your dog... then critique what you see....
have fun!

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