
Show Friends

A group for members who show their dogs in conformation, or for members who are interested and want to learn more about showing. Be sure to brag about your wins!

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Latest Activity: Mar 11, 2015

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Started by Ein Danger. Last reply by Mike & Debbie Burk Aug 17, 2010. 11 Replies

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Comment by vicky hyde on January 18, 2011 at 3:58pm
well ashley, your doing right and giving him time to adjust. i just brought my 2 year old home this past summer. first time since birth for him. i think there are still days when he's not quite sure, but that's getting less and less. my complaint about him is- he likes this gag weather we have here in wisconsin. i have a real hard time getting him to come in. i believe he would rather turn into a pup-cicle than come in when i'm call. his dad jack isn't crazy about this weather now that he's getting older. jack will be 11yrs. in april. the picture off to the side is as follows from the left-jack, his son joker and his other son jinx. jack and joker are here with me and jinx lives down in illinois, down the road from the breeder, sandy, who is also a member of this group. we had this picture taken at one of the UKC dog shows. teresa, the one who did the doodles, is laying on the floor behind these 3 holding their leashes. we trid without leads, but when they threw a stuffy to get the ears up, we lost the dogs. if your new kid needs only 2 points to finish, finish him. i don't know where you live, but only needing 2 singles, loook for smaller shows. contact your local dog club and let them lead the way. go check out a couple of shows and get a feel. you might want to join up with a club for training. find out of they do conformation training. if not, ask them to send you in the right direction. that had to be heart-breaking for his former owner to have to give him up. lucky you trip into that. hope this is somewhat helpful. we have loads of show experienced peole in this group. we have people who show, breed, spoil and what ever with there dogs. don't ever be afraid to ask a question. some one in this group will be able to help. take care and let us know what's going on.
Comment by Teresa Kannard on January 18, 2011 at 2:53pm
I drew them in about 10 minutes each...I could not sleep and it helped me to relax!
Comment by Ashley Stevens on January 18, 2011 at 12:40pm

Thanks Vicky for the welcome, yep I'm the newb :-)


My Corgi's name is Corri, oddly enough I was going to name him Ein, but he responded better to Corri. I adopted him on Sunday from his breeder/handler. He is a show Corgi, but I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to show him.


He hasn't done too much in the past 2 days, he's still getting used to us and these little things that run around the house we call our children LOL.

He has just started playing with his new sister Ellie. He likes to aggravate her and when she moves toward him he will literally moonwalk away. 


I'm sure once he becomes more comfortable more goofy stuff will ensue!

Comment by Carol & Ein & Widget on January 18, 2011 at 12:32pm
Well Done Doodles, Teresa!
Comment by vicky hyde on January 18, 2011 at 11:23am
i see we have a new member. i would like to say welcome to ashley and her family. i think you will enjoy this group. we mainly yak about our corg's, but as you can see, right now the weather is taking top priority. tell us some thing about your 4-legged, no-tailed child.
Comment by vicky hyde on January 18, 2011 at 11:16am
the doodles are fantastic!!!! who's the doodler? we got 3.1 inches of the "stuff". the neighbor came over a plowed thr drivee and also did some in the backyard for the dogs. they are dog people and also plow out tracks around their back yard for their schnauzer mix, quincy. i think shelley should plan on not seeing civilization for a while. just give in and hibernate. take the time to knit those hounds some winter sweaters and boots. hehehe
Comment by shelley power on January 18, 2011 at 10:15am

minus 2 degrees here ..had several more inches of snow yesterday, think  weather bug says we have had 56-60 inches so far this year... already:( will be snowed in till june...

@Cindy, you still workin on West Allis???? call me....

 anxiously awating results  on dna for Monk and Mika... today? tomorrow??? soon we shall know where they stand....

Comment by Cindy on January 18, 2011 at 9:55am

Lost power at home from about 5:30 till 7ish last night.  We had all the candles going and had a fun night chatting.  David went and got dinner at the village because I have electric pilots and starts on all my gas appliances. 

The Ms and Alec shoveled the drive open, did a path to the door and she was bored enough and grumbling about shoveling that a reinactment of the famous Calvin and Hobbes cartoon with the snowman massacre was done in my front yard.  I have headless snowman, snowman with shovels through their centers, arrows in one.  It got too late so she couldn't finish up. She was just about to start on the cartoon with the snowman crossing the driveway and Calvin's dad yelling that he was late for work, but bedtime.

Dogs had a blast and I couldn't get them to stay inside.  Max the GSD chases snow balls and then the cardigans start attacking him.  Horses are miserable and bored and ducks are finally trained to go in and out of Chateau Quack via the ramp!  No more catching ducks and flinging them into the building.


Comment by shelley power on January 18, 2011 at 9:51am
very kool and I cant draw a circle:(((
Comment by Sandra L Johnson on January 18, 2011 at 8:43am

Well, those are pretty impressive doodles in my book.  :)    Thanks for sharing them with us.

Weather here took an odd turn yesterday.   Started out with wild winds, snow, and looked like a blizzard had arrived.   By chore time at 8:30, I was walking in pools and ponds of water and it was 34% out there.   I will probably be skating to the barn this morning.


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