My Wynn always says" good morning" and will talk very politely while sitting next to me if I'm eating on the couch! Wynn knows better than to bark so we just talk back and forth and if he's lucky(which is always) he gets a small bit of my snack! Spoiled boy that he is!

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He does look like he has a lot to say!
Dakota tries so hard to talk to me, and I can see he is really trying to communicate something to me. Especially when it's playtime, or time to go for a walk. He loves to "tell" me it's time to PULEEEEEZE play, especially Fetch the Ball. I've never had a dog, including my previous Corgi mix, talk in the way he does. It is SO cute!
I LOVE this picture!
My puppies talk at various times. It really cracks me up when Rowdy talks. He talks the most when he is excited and we are talking back to him. He gets so excited and seems like he tries to answer our every question.
I will get video as soon as I get batteries for the good ol camera!
I would love to see videos of yours in the meantime :)
The only time they really bark is when they are playing really hard together or are barking at a squirrel, or possum (both have happened in the last few days)... and maybe the cats...
gotta love em!
Yumi always barks at me when there's someone at the door, more of a "Hey, hurry up and let them in so they can pet me!" than a warning, lol. She's most vocal though when we're laying on the bed in the morning, right before my son, Ian, gets up. It's kinda like our alone time I guess *^^* She grunts and whines and "mumbles" to me while I talk to her and rub her belly! She also likes to fuss at Ian and her kitty, Shoji, when they're doing something she just knows they aren't supposed to. Such a tattletale!
Lucy loves to greet me in the morning with the Corgi yawn talk. She also loves to give a mumble after she obeys a command but really didn't want to. She sticks out her tongue when she's lying down and wants to be alone. I love the Corgi talk but don't like yip yip dogs. I've worked hard to raise well-behaved Corgis. During Lucy's first 2 years she was very good about not barking. Lately, squirrels have invaded Lucy's domain––the backyard. She goes crazy barking and treeing them. If we so much as say the word "squirrel" she starts barking and looking for them. I know she's protecting her territory but it's really annoying. Any suggestions?
I could use suggestions too. Wynn always has talked but at times he now barks and is very strong with whatever his opinions seem to be lately!
@Jane Christensen - At PetSmart Obedience Classes the leader did a quick spray of water at the barking dog. It sounds mean, but it was very effective. Just a small spray bottle. Lucy would stop barking as soon as she saw it on the table by the door, where she tends to do most of her barking. Maybe I need to bring it out again?!?
@ Lucy I might have to try this! Yes, water is not going to hurt the dog! I love it when Wynn talks but the barking he has started is not acceptable! Thanks!
Let me know how it works. I think I may have to do it too. My luck, Lucy will love it. haha. It's starting to get hot here. But, Corgis seem to have very long memories, so I'm pretty confident she will get the point, rather than open her mouth for another squirt!


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