
64, Female

Mobile, AL

United States

Profile Information:

I was raised in Western Massachusetts and now live in Mobile, AL
About Me:
My partner and I are the proud parents of 3 Pemmies,a Cardi X, and a Cardi, of whom are spoiled rotten. I'm a dog trainer. I also volunteer my time to an animal welfare organization here to train their dogs on the basics so they are more adoptable. I continue to work with service, therapy and special needs dogs. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia now and only train privately. My partner, Patti B., is a groomer and all-around animal whisperer! She also is disabled; an Iraq War Vet. We also have a catahoula x and mini aussie x to round out the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tank, CWC X, is AKC-CGC and Delta certified and is retired as my partner's service dog. (She is an OIF/Iraq War vet.) Everybody in town knows Tank. I'm no longer Cindi, I'm Tank's mom. We also have Rainer, Riley, Harmony (service dog), Dundee, Moira, and honorary corgis Ranec (catahoula) and Aine' (aussie).

Dundee, PWC, is a puppy mill rescue. When we adopted him, he weighed 14 lbs, was missing fur, teeth were rotten, ears eaten was sad. Now he's a healthy and happy boy!

Moira, PWC, was a rescue organization adoption. She was grossly overweight, close to 48 lbs. She's now a svelte 25 lbs. She's the boss of the whole pack!

Harmony is a CWC who came from a wonderful breeder in the Huntsville area. She is just a sparkle princess! So sweet natured and good hearted. She joined our family on August 21st '09. Harmony is now trained as Corgi Mom's new service dog. She's so SMART! Everyone loves her and she has her own fan club now.

Rainer was an owner surrender to me after he was attacked by an intact pit bull and it's owner. He was in pretty bad shape. Now he is such a happy boy, running and jumping and frapping! He loves everyone he sees. Still working on liking other dogs, but that will come in time.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • morningstar

    thanks for the welcome!
  • irischickster

    Hi Cindi - thanks for the welcome! We are very proud of our rescue boy Spencer.

    I was reading some of your posts about overweight corgis. Spencer weighed in at 41 lbs when we took him to the vet for the first visit. We're watching his food intake and doing as much walking as he can handle. He had really long nails when we got him, they were starting to curl under. I don't think my boy had been on a walk in a long time. He is a really BIG boy too - I think most of his size is muscle with just a bit of extra weight. He's pretty quiet, but we are getting more personality out of him every day. Still trying to figure out who rescued who!
  • Lauren (Spike's Mom)

    Thanks for the comment. Yeah, Spike is one cool dude and also a total baby as well as totally spoiled. But what can I say, he's my baby!
  • RJ Payomo

    thank you for the comment and also thank you for all of the service that you do for corgi's and also your corgi's do as service dogs. cheers!
  • nwcorgifan

    What a pack you have there! And they're all just dolls. I'm getting a second one in a couple of weeks. He's another BHT--a rescue from Oklahoma. I think it will be good for Tuck to have a buddy; but I'm a little nervous. I've never had more than one dog before. If you have any advice for handling multiple corgis, I'd be happy to hear it.
  • Karen H

    I do have the FURminator, and it helps a TON this time of year when they start to blow their coats! I also invest in the Scotchguard tape rollers to take the fur off of my clothes and furniture (because as members of the family, they are allowed up there to cuddle!)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you for the welcome, Cindi. You have adorable dogs and great info on feeding.
  • Mindy

    Wow you have a lot of corgis, and they are all cute! Moira sounds like she has quite a charater!
  • Rachel

    Cindi - Fellow New-Englander here. Thank you so much for the welcome, George now has some pictures up and I think we are going to like Your pups are beautiful and you can see how happy they are, you & your partner are clearly great pet parents. Cheers - Rachel (George's mom).
  • Emily Schroeder

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Sam & Maximus

    Hi Cindi,
    I love your leash on the door knob idea you recommended for little Baxter. I would like to try that with Max. His every day behavior has improved greatly but there are still times when his attitude gets the best of him and he needs a time out. He just turned 5 months on Easter. Would this be a good time to introduce something like that?
  • Suresh

    Thanks for the welcome - your dogs are adorable!
  • Susan

  • Dawn

    Thanks for the welcome! I can't wait to have new pics to share with everyone!!
  • Niki

    Thank you for Kirby's compliment. He sure loves his soccer ball too. If we kick it around the yard he will nip us to herd us and get the soccer ball back from me!! LOL
  • Kathryn

    Hey! Thank you very much! I appreciate it! I really like everyone on this website, you guys are all so friendly!
  • Kristen

    Cindi, took mme a bit to realize you changed your profile pix! Lizzie had her Thyroid checked and she can't blame her chubby on that. We are keeping her on the green beans and kibble. My husband thinks she is losing weight, but I don't see it, but I haven't weighed since we went to the vet.
  • Diane McCormick

    Thanks for the kind words regarding my Cali. I will have another Corgi one day when I am over Cali.
  • Emily Schroeder

    My boyfriend's little sister is going to be a trainer for Petsmart! I think she goes for her training this week or next week.
  • Pogo Con Queso, Sandwynn's Ilustrious Baron von Stubbylegs Leafcatcher

    I call him pogi doggi, pog, pupp pupp, pogo.
  • The Dingmans

    Hi Cindi, thank you for the comment!!! When we got Kendra we had the name picked out already. I'm not sure why we didn't go with a biblical name for her.
  • Patricia

    Thank you the welcome! You sure have some sweet pups judging by your pictures! How do you keep up with all of them?
  • Sabrina (Luna's Mommy)

    Thanks Cindi! She officially comes home on April 1st. She's been staying at the breeders until after she heals from being spayed. We're so excited to bring her home finally!
  • Emily Schroeder

    The website says it's store #0373, but it's the Silverdale Petsmart.
  • Kumiko

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • Brian

    Thank you for the nice comment!
  • Beth

    Hi Cindi, Thanks for adding me to your friends list. I wish you were a trainer here in B'ham!
  • Bolle

    Yeaah it's scary - but not as scary as I am - says my friends.. with a smile.. *S*

    It's my dog Musse playing with our puppy Magic... looks more dangerous than it is... like an Alien...
  • Casey

    Thank you for the lovely welcome Cindi - and what a wonderful family you have! I love that you have rescue dogs - my Bailey was an SPCA baby adoptee... there's something wonderful about giving a home to a little guy that really needs to find out what a family's really all about! :)
  • Diane

    thanks for the welcome. am glad to have found others who LOVE corgis as much as i do.
  • Gina and Zak

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • Apryl

    Thanks! I added a link to my pictures on my profile for now, until I can get access to my computer at home where I store all my pictures! This site is awesome! I just happened to stumble upon it last night...
  • liz roberts

    thanks! thomaston is in CT
  • Vickie

    Hi I loved looking through your page. You have a house full. Gracie has gone through two classes at Petsmart. I hope to get her certified soon.
  • morgan

    Hey Cindi, You mentioned yours fight too. How do you handle that? Looks like you have many corgis. Very cute!
  • Plato & Sula

    Thanks for the welcome! I noticed that one of your dogs is a Therapy Dog. We're considering training Plato for that. He seems to know when people are in need of some TLC...Was it difficult to get your dog certified?
  • Alanna

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • seganita_8

    Thanks so much for the welcome! This is my first corgi and actually my first puppy (at least on my own!) I grew up in a family with labs but I love all dogs and Suzy just seemed to be right for me.
  • Brad

    Hi just put some pics up
  • Amy Parish

    Thank you! We are enjoying the country life! Just moved here from NY. I am happy to finally get a dog and have the area to play with her!
  • REB

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I have just finished reading your page and I am very impressed! Loved the pictures!
  • Enzo

    Thankyou for dropping in :)
  • Pa'ani

    thanks for the welcome. i love the "bark if youre irish" perfect!
  • Jo

    Thanks for the welcome
  • ilovestubbylegs

    thanx :)
  • ilovestubbylegs

    ...and thanks for adding me as a friend
  • Kitty's Corner

    Hey Cindi and family thanks for the welcome! Am so in love with my Corgi and glad to be part of this.
  • Joanne

    Hello, and thanks for the welcome! I enjoyed looking at your pictures--they are so cute!
  • Joanne

    Thanks! We are glad to be here! :)
  • Badger (and his mom Marci)

    Wow! That's quite a pack you have! I was lucky enough to have 2 Corgis for a bit while I was fostering Badger's dad Tucker and I loved it! Badger was not such a fan, but I'd love to have another Corgi sometime! With 3 cats, 2 dogs, and fish, my husband has sort of drawn the line at anymore pets.

    Thanks for the add! Marci and Badger