

Mason City, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Mason City, IA
About Me:
Other than being the food carrier and treat giver to the corgis, I am also the one that dresses them up, makes them dance for my iMac webcam, and annoys the living daylights out of them. I am married with no children, other than the husband and two corgis!

Our website is outdated, but still shows my cute kids!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pandora is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi from Marnac Corgis. She is a fluffy sable girl. Pemmy love of my life.
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Jennifer Lopez! Find out at

Trunks is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi from Rocking Corgi Ranch. He is a black brindle. Sweetest little guy with his family, but makes sure no harm comes to us.
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Simon Cowell! Find out at

Courtney was the first Corgi in my life. She passed to the Rainbow Bridge on February 15, 2001. She was in my life for almost 12 years and I wouldn't trade that time for anything. Courtney was everything to me: best friend, confidante, etc.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Marcie

    It seems like a perfect Corgi name.
  • Liz Thompson

    Hi - Thanks for the friend request. If I could figure out how to do it I would do the same for you. Your dogs are really cute! Liz
  • CassieD44

    Awww what beautiful corgis! I think Layla will look a lot like Pandora when she grows up - they have a similar (beautiful!) face. Thanks for the comment! Easter must be a good time to bring precious puppies home. I can't believe it's only been two weeks!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    The pictures are so adorable, love the costumes.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You again and your welcome.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Carmen. . .what precious fur babies you have. . . .
  • Hoogie's Family

    Had to leave a comment because I just saw the videos of your babies dancing and they made my day. Trunks looks like he is such a sweet guy and Pan has such personality! She actually looks similar to our fluffy guy, Hoogie (who also, I might add, is not a dancer!). Hope you're all enjoying the Spring together.
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thanks for the comment! I'll be sure to get some pics of them both up soon. I love your two corgis, they are so cute!
  • Niki

    aww i love all your pics. The one of Pandora shaved looks just like how my little kirby is shaved.LOL and i love trunks dancing..LOL so cute
  • Lisa P from WV

    You're puppies are so cute! I hit a friend request for you but don't think I needed to. You are my official 1st friend! I stumbled on to this site. These are such lovable dogs! Lisa P/from WV
  • Lisa P from WV

    Thanks Carmen!
    Do you know how long this site has been up? I was just curious.
    Lisa P from WV
  • Myka

    Thank u! Its going to be alot of work having a baby again! Puppy proofing the house...getting up in the middle of the night...but it will be worth it!
  • Sabrina (Luna's Mommy)

    Thanks for adding us as your friend, Carmen!
  • Sabrina (Luna's Mommy)

    Ah, thanks for the compliment! I love the colors of your Trunks (hehe, that sounds funny) and Pan is a cute fluffy. We had our monthly Corgi Meetup today so I need to post pics!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks for the response. Its really neat you have a Pem and a Cardi, besides the physical differences, hwo do you think they are different? I am so curious about that.
  • Megan and Penelope

    Haha, I always hear that cardis are much goofier!
  • Lexi

    Puppies are exciting... but you have two adorable doggies! Two are always better than one. But then, there's always three right?
  • Remy and Maddy

    I sure will!!! My dogs are my babies and just discovered this website!! Too cute!! Now I can talk to people that understand the same love for Corgi's as I do!
  • Molly

    Thanks for the welcome. Your babies are so cute. It must be fun having both breads.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks for adding us as friends. We just finished watching the TrunkDance (Tammey is rolling on the floor laughing still) we love it. Both of your babies are adorable. We love how Trunks seems to have so many differant facial expressions.
  • Kimberly

    THANKS!! Your pics are great.... :-)
  • Shannon

    They were very nice and tons of fun. The last of the litter, alittle boy left for his new home several days ago. Now I have to wait untill I can get more hahahha
    Good to meet a fellow Iowan corgi lover
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carmen, tomorrow's the big day! I'm happy for you guys :) Remember to take lots of pics and share them with the rest of us!
  • claire

    aw thank you for telling me that!!! i was so worried!! i think in the future i will trim his fluffy butt myself! :)
  • Sheila Wiggins

    Hey carmen,

    I just wanted to ask if it would be any problems for any one that JD hasent been fixed. He is still to young to be fixed. He has another month or 2 before that can happen. If any one has a problem and would rather us play it safe and not be there, just let me know.
    Sheila and JD
  • Sheila Wiggins

    Thanks Carmen, hope to see all of you tomarrow!!
  • Kevin

    If you have a female corgi join my club
  • Sheila Wiggins

    yeah if u could give me some info on the Souix City get togeather JD and i would love to go. Also we are thinking about rescuing a corgi to add to the family. I knew you could get addicted to these guys but i didnt think it was this bad, lol. thanks, Sheila and JD.
    p.s. u still cant have him, lol
  • Shelby Shirley

    Thanks Carmen - It was fun and we will be so much more prepared next year. I'll bring an exercise pen for Sadie and round up a few goodies for the auction. Sadie is enjoying the toys we got from the auction and she loves your cookies! I forgot to ask you for the recipe on Saturday so if you have a minute drop me a note with it. We brought one to work today for her snack! Even though she didn't run around a lot she was pooped out and slept all the way home. Thanks for all your hard work putting it together.
  • Butter

    I think Trunks is adorable; how big is he...he looks big on the video. My Cardigan is 47 lbs. He is a Cardigan, isn't he?
  • Cheri

    Yes, Taffy can be very funny when 'sort of' doing agility. She's always a crowd pleaser.
  • JollieEllie

    Pan is so pretty! I love a fluffy. She looks so cute in the butterfly dress. Where did you get those dress and costume?
    That crocodile costume on Trunks - lol - brilliant!
    Is he the mischievous one?
  • Cheri

    Yup, one of each is ideal!
  • Butter

    Just curious re Trunks? Is he a large Cardigan? How much does he weigh? Mine weighs 47 lbs. can Trunks top this? LOL
    Joy and Buttercup
  • Butter

    Thanks, I think Trunks is pretty adorable. Butter is VERY sensitive and wounds very easily. Does Trunk?
  • Sandy

    Your little ones are so cute! Is Pandora a fluffy? Thanks for the welcome!
  • Owen's Mom

    ha ha... thank you for the encouragement! Fortunately, my husband and I have a good sense of humor. I'm just amazed by Owen sometimes. My husband thought he would be easier to train because they are smarter dogs.. he's learning it means that they are just sneaker at getting into things. I'm just thankful he is disgusted by his own poo..
  • Renae & Mark

    Thanks Carmen. We love Trunks dancing! He can groove.
  • Katelyn

    HAHAHAHA! LOVE your pets name! Reminds me of Trunks from the anime DBZ! He was my favorite character!
  • Becky S

    Hi Carmen, thanks sorry it took me a while to get back. We've been out of town so I have a little catching up to do here. Love your pictures, what good looking puppies!
  • Katelyn

    I'm a HUGE anime fan as well! DBZ is a great one! Is that where you got the name Pan from as well? hehe. =D
    I wanted to name Butters, Buster, but alot of people name their corgis buster, so I wanted something that sounded like it, but was differnt. I decided on Butters because it suited him. Didn't really have anything to do with southpark. lol
  • Katelyn

    HAHAHA! That's cool! Thank you, love your dogs name too!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hi Carmen! Your videos are awesome, keep them coming!
  • Florence

    Thank you so much for your friend invite.
    I see that we are the same: 1 Pem and 1 Cardi !
    Trunks looks a little like my Uyanga, in more brown,
    Uyanga's head is getting more and more brindle, but her back stays really black.
    We 3 are glad to be your friend !
    From Flo, Nana, and Uyanga.
  • Florence

    Thank you very much, Carmen !
  • Trice

    Thanks Carmen! Your dogs are ADORABLE!
  • Chrissy

    Thank you Carmen and it is actually Hunter pictured, Baxter was my corgi that died as a pup :(.
  • Trice

    Tech geeks unite! LOL
  • Trice

    Thanks Carmen for your advice. We are second guessing ourselves to see if this weekend arrangement is helping him. Or is it helping just us? Anyway, hopefully he warms up to us soon!
  • HouseMouseHollow

    Yeah lil Tumbleweed fits right in with the rest of the crew. He's the sweetest lil guy, can't believe he was unwanted and left in a dumpy lil shelter. Poor guy was covered in ticks and had quite an eye infection brewing by the time I got him. The bedding in his airline crate was completely covered in tons of ticks. :( He's been vetted and groomed and is now free of his eye infection and completely tickless. He'll never have another bad day in his life.