
64, Female

Mobile, AL

United States

Profile Information:

I was raised in Western Massachusetts and now live in Mobile, AL
About Me:
My partner and I are the proud parents of 3 Pemmies,a Cardi X, and a Cardi, of whom are spoiled rotten. I'm a dog trainer. I also volunteer my time to an animal welfare organization here to train their dogs on the basics so they are more adoptable. I continue to work with service, therapy and special needs dogs. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia now and only train privately. My partner, Patti B., is a groomer and all-around animal whisperer! She also is disabled; an Iraq War Vet. We also have a catahoula x and mini aussie x to round out the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tank, CWC X, is AKC-CGC and Delta certified and is retired as my partner's service dog. (She is an OIF/Iraq War vet.) Everybody in town knows Tank. I'm no longer Cindi, I'm Tank's mom. We also have Rainer, Riley, Harmony (service dog), Dundee, Moira, and honorary corgis Ranec (catahoula) and Aine' (aussie).

Dundee, PWC, is a puppy mill rescue. When we adopted him, he weighed 14 lbs, was missing fur, teeth were rotten, ears eaten was sad. Now he's a healthy and happy boy!

Moira, PWC, was a rescue organization adoption. She was grossly overweight, close to 48 lbs. She's now a svelte 25 lbs. She's the boss of the whole pack!

Harmony is a CWC who came from a wonderful breeder in the Huntsville area. She is just a sparkle princess! So sweet natured and good hearted. She joined our family on August 21st '09. Harmony is now trained as Corgi Mom's new service dog. She's so SMART! Everyone loves her and she has her own fan club now.

Rainer was an owner surrender to me after he was attacked by an intact pit bull and it's owner. He was in pretty bad shape. Now he is such a happy boy, running and jumping and frapping! He loves everyone he sees. Still working on liking other dogs, but that will come in time.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Cosmo & Wall-E

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Counting down the days until Cosmo comes to stay!
  • IZZI

    thanks...she is a love
  • Jenny Michel

  • S

    thanks for the welcome!
  • Suzanne

    Thank-you... All the pups around here are so lovely!
  • Kristy

    Thanks for the welcome - I hope to have some pics up soon.
  • Kasaundra

    Thank you! I hope I'll have one soon too!
  • Alex and Elizabeth

    Thanks, Cindi. We're glad to be here. Don't see many corgis in our neck of the woods!
  • Bobbi & Penni

    Thank you for the welcome!
    Looks like you have your hands full!
  • Vladimir

    Thank you for the lovely comment :-) Much appreciated! Your corgis are beautiful! Such sweet faces -- Thank you
  • Vladimir

    By the way, I love your top banner! I agree so much. Amstaffs/pit bulls are such sweet dogs I love them so much! Along with any of the breeds who have been pointed out as "aggressive human attackers" :-) I wish people wouldn't discriminate breeds...
  • Twinky

    Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome! Your little kids are adorable! It warms my heart to see you rescueing those that need some extra care and love. :)
  • pandaman73

    It's awesome you rescue such great doggies.
  • Alfredo

    Thanks for the warm wlecome. You have great looking dogs!
  • Juel

    Thank you for your comments! the more i interact with people on this site the more i get excited about finding a new friend. Kudos for rescuing. My last dog was a german shepard/ heeler cross. Man I learned alot! She is with my parents. Though I don;t know how much time we'll have left. She came from an abusive enviroment, and has two bulging discs in her spine, among other lasting effects. though she took extra care I have never had such a loyal dog!
  • Sherrie

    Cindi, I have a question, the picture of Rudy, is his tongue really pale like the picture? I know that is an odd question, it just hit me his tongue looks as pale in that picture as my Artie's tongue was, Artie was anemic though so his inside of his lips were pale and gums too.
  • nolan

    thank u for the comment cindi and i just resently got pics of my dog bocfus
  • Pamela

    Thank you for the bell idea. It is a great idea and will start today. I have another question for you. Arty our 2yr old is so picky it isnt funny. I am spending a ton on money on dog food and so far with no luck in finding one she likes any ideas there. Our little miss annie eats anything that isnt tied down. What a dog! Thanks again Cindi
  • Kristen

    I hope all is going well transitioning the new guy into yur home.
  • Kate

    Thank you for the very kind compliment on the picture of Oakley and I. I am not nearly as photogenic as she is so it's tough to get a good picture of the two of us. Just out of curiousity, how did you end up in Alabama from Massachusetts?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Cindi! How's things going over there? I just want to thank you for expert advise, I'm sure others value your opinion as well.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi cindi! ok this might be a very uhhh weird question, but i saw your comment on the furminator forum, advising owners to "express the anal glands" during each bath... now does that generally mean we should make the dog poo manually? If its good for my Bailey, I wan't to do it.. but WHY?!!?!?!?!!!? and HOW?!?!!?

    Thanks in advance for your help! =P
  • Mick . irl

    Hi Cindi. Good to hear from you. Well its nice to hear your fondness for Ireland. Must say I like it here. Except of course the weather we get would not be up to much. Your dogs are cool. Id love to have more but my guys are getting on and it would be unfair to introduce a younger one now. Alfie would most likely kill it. He is full of fun and energy but does have a nasty side Im afraid. If I act a little stern with him or tell him to do something he doesnt like he growls and bears his teeth. its as if he thinks Im wearing his trowsers. Although to be fair its normally a bluff, he wouldnt dare actually bite me.. I hope. Talk soom
  • Karen & Bailey

    oo scent glands on the anus.... interesting. hahha sooo is this important for me to do, cause i dont plan on taking bailey to the groomer, and i havent had it done? but i am going to get shots this sat - should i ask the vet tech to do it??!?!?!? .....?!?!

    sounds gross! why do we need to do this?!? what do the glands impact?!?
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks for your help. i learn something new everyday.. especially now with a doggie. =P
  • Terry Ramsbotham

    What beautiful Babies and thank you for rescuing so many. Also many, many thanks to your partner for serving for all of us!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi cindi! Well Bailey just graduated from his puppy class last sunday (YAY!), and i was looking for your opinion. The teacher suggested we enroll in the intermediate class. I was wondering, what is it that they teach in intermediate class? ?!?!? Maybe I should just sit in and see what they do before signing up - but in your opinion - if Bailey did super great in puppy class (which he did), what will the intermediate class do for us both?

    He's pretty well socialized now - with puppy class, and him getting his last series of shots 2 weeks ago. I'm planning to take him to the dog park, beaches, corgi meetups, etc. But training wise - what will the class teach?

    oh yea and about the anal glands.. the grooming guy said that theyd have it done if i take him in for a groom - which i will probably do soon - supposedly there is a discount if they are under 6mo of age. =P

    thanks for all the help!
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks Cindi for the message! We'll seriously think about it. He's not even 5 months yet! =)

    Thanks again , Karen & Bailey
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks for the comment. I think it is getting better, but I guess you are right about class. Man, after last class she was not listening at all, and I had bitemarks everywhere! I have been trying to incorporate the high-pitched yelp with the bite inhibition, but I think she actually bites harder before I can get away. This last bite that broke the skin was after I yelped, now I'm even starting to wonder if it is a little infected despite the washing and Neosporin use, yikes! :O
  • Gail

    Organic/natural food--can you give me a brand name? Only place I really have to shop is PetSmart. Was planning on Science Diet. That's what I feed my cats and they do real well on it.
  • Gail

    Well that's a bummer. Will look at the Blue Buffalo. What about the healthy treats. What do you think of the popcorn treats flavored with peanut butter or cheese?
  • Megan and Penelope

    The trainer gave us some different advice on the biting tonight in class. It worked almost instantly! Everyone kept telling me bite inhibition and yelping and she knew exactly what I was going to say about those methods and what happens when I try to do that. Phew! Thanks for the help though! Oh, in case you are wondering, she taught us how to act like the momma dog to correct. We sound strange, but hey much better than biting! I just hope it keeps working!
  • Lexi

    Thanks for your comment! We definitely had a safe and smooth trip. Kuma's getting used to us and we'll see what happens when we take him to the vet this Friday.
  • Freddie

    Thanks for responding! I don't know how to do this yet. Your story breaks my heart, and it was hard for me to read. My Animals and family of course are my life. I would love to have several dogs1
  • Lexi

    Thank you for your thoughts! Fortunately, Kuma is pretty good (so far) about not wanting to get on the furniture and is quite content on our floor. I will definitely watch that video sometime today - thanks for the suggestion! You're definitely right in that this website has many many wonderful people who are always willing to offer advice and share their experiences. Thanks!
  • Cam

    Thank you for the comment.

    I was actually in counciling for a very long time, and it really didn't help me out any. That's how I ended up with a dog, so I would have somewhere else to focus my energy than on myself. It's been good, he helped me get through the other night and I'm doing fine now. :)
  • sandra

    thanks for the comment on my kaley corgi video-----you will see lots of her with rani cuz they are pals---animal kids!

    gee, i can not believe someone would just walk in and give up a cool corgi---just like that....i am glad you got him-----hehhe, i bet he is in heaven now!

    what's that you got rani macaw? --- (2 of 6)

    hey, are those that good????

    smiles : )
  • Lynn

    thanks for the welcome :)
    its great how you are so dedicated to corgis and other dogs! seeing you have 5 pems and a cardi, you must be in corgi heaven ^^
  • Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari

    My Pembroke Faye had one ear eaten off too. Is that from being in a fight or because of general neglect? Hers is pretty bad. Is it some sort of Parasite that does that? You have 5 Pems I'm so jealous! Rescued Corgis are awesome.
  • sandra

    thanks for commenting on kaley`corgis last video.....can you imagine that, 139 seconds on the field and really only allowed 72! ---- i was at the trials for 3 days and at other trials too, and no dog, and certainly no corgi entertains as kaley does.....she has to frap...and does it is i am trying to stop the frap and run the course fast and clean, she runs fast and is sooo cute....

    did you catch this vid of her in show obed?? frap queen i should call her!

    smiles : )

  • Kristen

    Just checking in. How is Cody and the rest of the gang doing! You too!
  • sandra

    hey, cooool cindi-----love how you get all the updates immed on the kaley blogs!

    do you mean blogs here or

    i get sooo busy...i have to try to stay sane here, hehee, with the sanpups and my club corgi on dogster, over thousand members strong and trying to help emotionally, and sometimes monetarily corgis in need...i love what i do, the pics i take, the agility, the writing, the corgi kids and the rest here...parrots and humans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe, that is dan and jake...i know my kc vids bring smiles and i love hearing how they 'make' their gd days better and bad days, gd!

    smiles : )

  • LeAnne

    The B names started because of Bella. I originally wanted to call her Ginger but my husband didn't like that but loved Bella so that started it. Bacio means kiss in Italian and he is quite a kisser, he's a master of the sneak attack kiss to catch you right in the mouth. LOL Breckin means freckled in celtic and his nose is freckled so that is why he got that one. And Blizzard is obvious with that cream and white. His ears were taped for the first year like his breeder told us to to try and get his heavy-leather ears to stand up but they never did so we stopped. Now, I wouldn't know who he was if they stood up. LOL
  • Trice

    Thank you so much for your advice Cindi! You are very knowledgeable and I'm sure I'll have more questions for you as I am a first time corgi owner. I'm so sorry about Rudy. You are a great person for rescuing him. And you tried your best. =) Take Care!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Hope all is well and that you and your family (four and two legged) survived the wind and rain. You were certainly in our prayers.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you so much! We can use all the prayers in the world. He is a strong dog and is hanging in there.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Cindi, just wondering how you are doing?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Good to hear you are doing great. Do your corgis get bossy when they have lots of energy that cant get rid of or do they take it out on each other? Lance gets so bossy when he get cant rid of all of his energy, like rainy days and barking is one of his ways of bossing us.....drives me crazy, although I love him so much.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I posted a blog about lance's puzzling behavior was wondering if you have any ideas on how to handle that? He seems to be protective (mainly very barky) when people come over to visit that normally arent there, he likes to bark alot when new people are over and really not too sure on how to deal with that either, if you have any suggestions on how to deal with it I would appreciate it.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I bought a laser light a couple weeks ago and he didnt like it! I was so dissappointed! That little stinker, I was looking forward to having so much fun with it and having him chase it and he just looked at me like you want me to chase that? What a funny dog, lol! In his mind he was probably thinking arent you suppose to chase me, which he seems to really enjoy! He doesnt want me to get off the easy way!!