
40, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
My name is Kelly and I am going to Pharmacy school to become a pharmacist while my husband work work works. We may start our own independent pharmacy and he will run the business part! We met in college (TAMU) where we were Physics lab partners our second semester. We did not start dating until the last semester before we graduated. A great love story ^_^. We both enjoy anime, video games, sports, outdoors, and family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
^^^^See how she's grown in my flickr collection^^^

I have been wanting a corgi since I was quite young, and when I married my husband I found out he too liked corgis and that we both preferred Red and Whites ^_^ so after nearly a year of searching (and a few mistakes) we brought home our perfect pup (on Nov 29, 2008), whom we named The Baroness Von Pooka! She LOVES to play frisbee and fetch a ball, but we also do lots of training and so far she knows:
lie down
roll over
spin around
high five
jump up + bark "dance and sing"
drop it
play dead "pyew pyew!"
circle my legs "circle me"
back up
beg "sit like people"
lift right paw, then left paw, then right, then left

A very smart Pooka. We are working on Close the Door after she pushes one open.
I have:

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  • Amanda

    yeah, the pics were from Pearsall park. Einstein is definately one of a kind. He makes us all laugh. He has the shortest hair I've ever seen on a corgi that's for sure. It's twice as thick though. We just say he's our TX corgi and doesn't need long hair anyway. Daisy gets so hot here we're hoping to PCS (move in military terms) to a colder climate this year. I think they'd do great in the snow! :)
  • Ein Danger

    ein's bad behavior just might be submissive since he had his ears low and he was staying low to the floor. if he had a tail that would have been a bigger sign. either way, it was really scary for me; even shocking :( well, this info definitely puts my mind to ease in that maybe he was just submitting. he always does :)
  • Melissa Bee

    I think the beeping is from the background sound on the webcam. When I checked just now, classical music was playing. Maybe the "beep" was coming from one of the pups as it backed up??? :-)
  • Rose, Aaron and Sarah

    how do you change the color on your page???
  • Jerri Dyke

    Hello, Did you ever find out what was causing her face to swell? That looked miserable. Jerri
  • Gus's Dad

    Thanks. His ears are something, aren't they?

    When he runs that bib up and down. It's just hilarious.
  • Colston's & Monster

    lol Thanks... You have a real cutie!!!
  • Tauna and Kota

    Pooka is awesome!! and you seem pretty cool too :D
  • Corgibyassociation

    Oh you should totally put a stuffed kong in her crate. It made a world of difference for both dogs. Like I said, before kong time my boyfriend would literally drag our Weim into the crate before work. Now, all I have to do is take it out of the freezer and they know something is up. They both zoom to their crates (unless the door is closed) and wait inside excited.

    I have a good recipe for a pumpkin kong if you want to go exotic. I just stick with peanut butter or organic yogurt (with no high fructose corn syrup for Cloud and no fake sugars) with their kibble and sometimes carrots too.
  • Meryl

    LOL.. our corgi loves hangers!!!
  • Alicia

    Your Pooka is so CUTE! she reminds me of my puppy Peach! where did you get Pooka from?
  • Tina and Cooper

    Pooka is so sweet :o) love your pic's too,,,Found you on flickr :o) `tina ` and Cooper
  • Joanna Hubbard

    :) She has changed color quite a bit over time but is still quite black overall - just not in the head so much.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Good luck on Pooka's spay! I'll be taking Freya on the 30th.
  • Vladimir

    The youngest Vlad photo I have is of him at 10 weeks old.

    On Flickr photosharing site, there are a lot of borzoi owners who post photos of borzoi when they are very young. Ferlinka Borzoi just had a litter of puppies and has shared many of her photos of them since they were only a few days old!
    Borzoi are quite gangling when they are very young, almost like a giraffe. It is hard to comprehend that they grow up to be such graceful creature.
  • Sarah Rincker

    Thanks for the advice on the collar. Your dog is so cute, I popped over to your site to see more pictures, and then I noticed we're the same age, so I read your description, and you two remind me of my husband and I. We also met in collage in a lab course, and now I'm in med school, and my husband work work works. :D Funny how things are. We wanted a red and a white too, but the mother we were supposed to get Rhys from had issues, and so we took Rhys from the next litter, and they were all tri. :D
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    just looked through all your photos, they are great!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    oh yeah and Happy Birthday!!!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Lauren + Winston

    happy birthday!
  • Ein Danger

    Happy B-Day :)
  • Max & Cody

    Happy Belated Bday
  • Macie Linne & Holli Berri

    Bonjour (Hello) Comment ca va? (How are you)
    Happy Belated B-Day! :)
  • Ein Danger

    hey pooka :) are you guys gonna head to kim's for the corgi meet-up this afternoon?
  • Ein Danger

    it was a great meet-up :) there were about 10 corgis there! i posted the pics in the south texas group. they're in the san antonio meet-up discussion. next time you have to go!
  • Corgibyassociation

    You have some great pictures of Pooka on here! Love the new additions with the hanger, the thing on her nose...so cute:D.
  • Kimberly

    It may be a while before she's all grown up. Maybe she and Pooka could get together sooner. I am trying to get her socialized outside of our pack. Let me know or give me a call. 804-1081 See ya soon.
  • Kimberly

    Hi Kelly, sorry I just got your message. I would love come play. Call me if you still have time in your weekend, or maybe we could do a weekday evening. 804-1081.
  • Andrea Nunn

    glad to know sophie isn't the only corgi that likes bottles, i jus thought she was weird lol. but i loved meeting you and pooka. i get excited when i see corgis at the park =D
  • noel lutchkus

    what up
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Pooka is just too adorable for words! I love her pics!! She has such personality!!
  • Levi Tibbs

    Haha yeah its Pooka's Momma (Concho), Sister (Fiesty) and Niece (Dakota) I guess? Aww I'm so glad to see Pooka turned out to be a wonderfull dog. I went through your pictures and she is adorable!! She looks a lot like her family! I just stumbled across this site! Who knew there were soooo many Corgi's :)
  • Melanie Fischer

    I made the Key chain :D I got tired of not seeing very many corgi stuff so i made my own :D its the colors of my corgi <3
  • Rachel & Romeo

    Pooka is sooooooo ADORABLE ;D
  • Ein Danger

    UPDATE: Ein's Party/Corgi Meet-Up has been re-scheduled to 10/11!
  • Ein Danger

    The Corgi Meet-Up/Ein's Party has been cancelled due to weather once again. Our apologies for any inconveniences. Please refer back to Ein's page or the South Texas group for more information when it becomes available.
  • Kelly

    haha they don't to my face but probably do behind my back ;) My facebook page is pretty much all Gibson lol
  • Aj

    The secret to Ein's long nose is because he has an overbite ;) But it doesn't affect his life at all. Except for his appearance, I think it makes him look more like a fox!
  • Dooby

    Thanks for the birthday blessing and nice to meet you and Pooka!!! ^^
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Love your pictures too! Your baby is a good sport :)
  • Arrow and Pengu

    wE vOtEd PoOkA, Good Luck!
  • Molly Przybelinski

    Your corgi is absolutely adorable. And whoever takes the pictures....is really good at it! Or you have an amazing camera :-) They come out perfect.
  • Shepdog

    Aw... thank you! Caleb does look like a tiger, doesn't he? :D

    It's funny, I love Pems with that foxy little face like Pooka - she's cute as buttons! I also crack up about paiting her nails - we used to do that for my big Shepherd all the time when we were in training classes. Different color every week. She'd put her paw on my knee to let me paint them. Every week we'd run into class, and she'd book straight to the instructor, and lift up her paws so she could ooh, ah, and admire what color she had on that time. *laughs* She was just an odd one, she was. ;)
  • Levi Tibbs

    Well I ended up not having puppies. Not sure what happened, but the breeding didn't take. So nope no puppies :( I will try again some other time. I'm so glad you are enjoying Pooka, and like some other comment said, you take amazing pictures of/with her!!
  • Levi Tibbs

    Hey did Pooka make it as "Miss" October in the Calendar?? Thats great! Congratulations!!
  • Erin and Diego

    I'm not positive what kind of cat Asha is.. my friends found her as a stray and I took her in. We think she may be part egyptian mau.. I can't see how anyone would've let her go! She's a great kitty!
  • David

    Thank you for your friend add. Yes that is the goofiest picture of Yoda, I love it. I like the cartoon corgi banner here, great drawing!
  • Mary and Rosie

    Thank you for the friend invitation! Pooka is so cute! :D
    And thank you for your good wishes for Rosie, despite everything she's still collecting rocks and finding things to adopt. =)
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!


  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    i love your page and Pooka is so very adorable!!