Lady Bug (Michelle)
  • 46, Female
  • Sugar Land, TX
  • United States
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Lady Bug (Michelle)'s Friends

  • Eiko McGregor
  • Sara Reid
  • Lisa Jue
  • shelley
  • Amber with Rigby and Ethel
  • Lisa & Gracie
  • Amy Nordfelt Kocurek
  • Vivian + Kobe
  • Lloyd & Elisabeth (Kobi)
  • Ruth Parkinson
  • Kathy Sanouvong
  • Jacey Matson
  • Lori and Renato (Eevee)
  • Vickie Hilliard
  • Sara, Angus and Potatoes


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Ziggy and Simon say Helloooo!

Profile Information

Fannett, TX
About Me:
I'm Michelle and when I joined I used the anonymous Lady Bug handle because I never imagined I would meet so many other Corgis and their owners all over Texas through this site. It's been so much fun and I'm looking forward to growing group sizes and plenty of meetups!
In addition to the corgi zoo, we have a parrot. Ankh is a loud blue crown conure - but we love him!
I am passionate about animals, motorcycles, photography & being creative. I'm also a gamer girl - the 360 is my vice! My husband I enjoy Geocaching and I'm also a baker in addition to my full time job at a children's hospital.
If you need custom from scratch cookies check out my website, I also do from scratch cupcakes locally.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My husband and I currently have two corgis:
Ziggy, our sable & white boy, is 9 years old. He came to us at 6 months. He thinks the world revolves around him...we may have contributed to that complex a little : )

Simon, our tri color, is a rescue estimated at 3 years old. We got him from Dallas Corgi Rescue right before Christmas 2012. He's been an absolute dream and has fit into our home beautifully. He is our energetic "retriever" and loves to play fetch. He's also a big cuddle bug and has been nicknamed "Kitty Kat" because he is extremely agile and will climb up in your lap for cuddles!
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Visit my etsy shop for made from scratch cookies:


If you need custom dog biscuits I can do those too!

For local customers I make cupcakes from scratch and dog birthday cakes!



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At 8:52pm on February 18, 2013, manda & molly said…
Yay! Thank you!
At 1:29pm on February 18, 2013, manda & molly said…
I was wondering if you got any good pictures of Molly from the park the other day
At 10:55pm on December 22, 2012, Ann and Izzy said…

Thanks for asking about Taffy.  She is doing too well!  We are suppose to keep her quiet for 6 weeks.  Yea,right!!  She is feeling better and wants to play.  And she has 4 weeks to go!  The vet let her get rid of the cone of shame yesterday which was a good thing since she broke it yesterday morning! We are going to have to sedate her to keep her from hurting herself.  I hate to do that but don't know what else to do.  If we can get her through this, she should be back to normal right before her 1st birthday. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Merry Christmas.  Hope we can have a meet up after the New Year. Can't wait to see everyone! 

At 12:11am on November 21, 2012, Ann and Izzy said…

Hi, Michelle!  Just wanted to thank you and your hubby for Saturday.  It was great!  Hope to see you again soon.  Happy Thanksgiving!

At 2:43am on September 11, 2012, Kara with Dasiy & Scout gave Lady Bug (Michelle) a gift
At 11:45pm on September 10, 2012, Ann and Izzy said…

M!ichelle, I'm so sorry to hear about Roady! I'm glad he got to spend these last years with you after his rough beginning.  You gave him so much love!

At 10:42pm on March 8, 2012, DeeDea & Pudge said…

Hahahahaha! I am glad Mr. Quality Control is taking the Pudge cake so seriously. We are really excited. I told EVERYONE about the cake. I will totally link your etsy store for anyone wanting dog friendly cakes in the Houston area. I'm sure it will be totally pawesome. :D 

At 10:32am on February 3, 2012, DeeDea & Pudge said…

PEANUT BUTTERRRRRR! Link me up! I'll have to have my boo pick it up from you since I'll be at LBJ in March. Bleh!

At 10:00pm on February 2, 2012, DeeDea & Pudge said…

It's almost Pudge's BARKDAY! My boo and I would like to commission a doggie cake from you. Pudge's barkday is March 10th, we'd like to pick it up that day (or maybe the day before if you don't mind one of us bugging you at work). Let me know how to pay you and if that's OK (etsy, paypal... cash, wtvr). It will be his FIRST barkday! :) Super special. 

At 6:19pm on October 29, 2011, DeeDea & Pudge said…

Pudge's male hooman accidentally didn't get any pictures or video of Pudge herding. I really hope you got something! Any idea of when we'd see the video they took?? 


Here's a great shot I got of Ziggy and Pudge. 

Lady Bug (Michelle)'s Blog

An inspiring rescue blog...

Posted on February 27, 2009 at 10:00am 0 Comments

This blog is based in Houston, but the stories touch my heart and I'm sure can be appreciated by anyone.

This made me smile!

Posted on January 18, 2009 at 11:03am 13 Comments

An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard; I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of.

He came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my home, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out.

The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again… Continue

10-25-08 Corgi Celebration - Buda, Texas

Posted on October 30, 2008 at 12:30pm 2 Comments

We made our first trip out to this wonderful event for an even more wonderful cause. Since we adopted Roady from the rescue group that this event benefitted how could we not go?? We made some new friends and spent the day smiling at all the "shorties" running around. We did enter the costume contest with Roady as a "Watch"dog and Ziggy as Napoleon "Bone-apart". Ziggy won most original costume, but alas he wasn't amused - he only wanted out of the costume. LOL

Update: Over $6,500 was raised… Continue

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