Vicki/Kurt Pegel
  • Appleton, WI
  • United States
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Vicki/Kurt Pegel's Friends

  • Samantha Schmidt
  • Bonni B
  • Cindy Feuerstein
  • Vicki, Grace and Gizmo
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Carry Mackenzie
  • Melissa and Franklin!
  • Brewer AND Lilly!

Vicki/Kurt Pegel's Discussions

What is the oldest age a corgi puppied ears should go up?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Renee Krajcar Jun 25, 2013. 4 Replies

I know it all depends on the dog, and they all go up at different ages, but at what age would one begin to wonder if the ears may not go up.   Just curious.   If you want to tell me what age your…Continue

Bringing puppy home

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bev Levy Jun 9, 2013. 1 Reply

Looking for some advise at bringing our new puppy (2nd corgi) home.   We have to drive 3 hours to pick him up, so round trip we will be gone 7 - 8 hours.   We normally only leave Sophie in her kennel…Continue

Red/white or sable

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Christensen May 23, 2013. 6 Replies

Need opinions on what you think these puppies will be?  Can you tell me why you think what you do, I am trying to learn how to tell the difference.   They seem to have so much dark/black on them. …Continue

Red/white or sable

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane May 23, 2013. 2 Replies

I posted picks of newborns a couple weeks ago, now I have updated pics of them at 3 1/2 weeks.  What is your opinion know as to what color they will be.  I am trying to learn how to tell the…Continue

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Vicki/Kurt Pegel's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Just recently lost our beloved dog Sydney at the age of 15 1/2. Can' t have a home without a pet to love. So we are getting a Corgi puppy on Nov 23, 2011. This will be our firt Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
She is a tri colored Welsh Pembroke Corgi, and we are naming her "Sophie"
I have:

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 3:42pm on March 21, 2012, Samantha Schmidt said…

Happy 6 month old Birthday Sophie :) I'm celebrating with Seren by taking her on a walk on Lake Michigan :)

At 10:38pm on February 2, 2012, Vicki, Grace and Gizmo said…

Love the pictures. Sophie's laying her head down is so cute.  Love puppies. So soft and sweet.

At 11:45pm on January 25, 2012, Melissa and Franklin! said…

thank you very much! No I am in no way a professional! Still trying to figure out how to work my new camera! :-) Corgis just make such good subjects lol

At 11:10am on January 23, 2012, Marie Ploof said…

Kipper is actually 3, his colors are still changing, not dramatically anymore though. I thought for a long time that his face was going to turn tan but it's just the undercoat that's tan. The tan on his legs keep spreading too. It's hard to tell with corgi's. But her face looks like it should stay but don't take my word for it.

At 7:44pm on December 27, 2011, Rebecca said…

awe, so adorable, happy for you on your new puppy. they are easy to spoil.

At 11:03am on December 21, 2011, Vicki, Grace and Gizmo said…

Adorable. Just love puppy pictures.   I see she gathering toys. Grace does it too. Mouths them, never Chews.   She collects them, even my socks! 

 Welcome to the list.  Your puppy is adorable. enjoy many years of fun.  I had one for 17+ years. My last one lived about 15+ years.  I got a couple rescue dogs (other breeds), we love them.  After 3 years I still missed my corgis.  So my husband said yes to my birthday wish and now we have our wonderful Grace.

At 10:19am on November 28, 2011, Lisa B said…

Your puppy is sooo adorable, I love puppies! I would have liked a tri also, but Corky was the last one left of the litter and he was the runt, and as i said i cant resist puppies! You will love your corgi, they are great little dogs, prepare for the shedding! Make sure to like Awkward little sleepers, and Corgis in crime they are so funny! Welcome to this site its informative and entertaining!


At 2:07pm on November 26, 2011, WhiteDove said…
At 1:24am on November 21, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Vicki, Kurt and Sophie!

At 9:51pm on November 20, 2011, Mal Schaal said…
Welcome! Sophie is too cute!

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