Betty's Blog – March 2009 Archive (3)

Info about Bear's antifreeze poisoning

Unless you read it on the mycorgi post or hear it on the our local news you wouldn't know about poor Bear and her encounter with Anti-freeze.

On the 18th of Feb. our neighbor came into pur fenced back yard in the middle of the night and put Anti-freeze in my two Corgi's water bowl. They are inside dogs (but when they are outside playing I want them to have water.) On the 19th Bear only drank from it and I noticed she wasn't acting normal right away so I was looking on our porch to see if… Continue

Added by Betty on March 19, 2009 at 3:00pm — 17 Comments

Bear Survived Anti-freeze Poisoning!!!

Hi , I wanted to give you an update on Bear. She survived the poisoning after being on Dialysis since February 22nd. at UF. She is home now and feeling great. Only time will tell if there is any permanent damage to her kidneys but right now no further treatment is needed and they seem to have recovered completely . A short month ago she was fighting for her life and today she seems like her old self . Mainly because we caught it in time, knew what it was, got the antidote quickly and then the… Continue

Added by Betty on March 18, 2009 at 11:34pm — 14 Comments

Bears home for the weekend!

Bear gets to come home from the University of Florida on Fridays and then I make the 8 hr roundtrip to have her back in time for Dialysis on Monday. She is still having 3 sessions a week but we hope soon that will go down to two. She is improving and she gets a load of Love from the people at UF. She is in excellant hands. If you ever have a crisis care dogs I would recommend you take them straight to the school. It could be a matter of life or death. Thanks so all your prayers and well wishes.

Added by Betty on March 7, 2009 at 11:11am — 2 Comments

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