Matt & Hilliary's Blog – April 2009 Archive (2)

Outgrowing Biting...

Optimus is nearly 5 months old now and he still bites at our hands if there's no toys anywhere nearby. They're just play bites, but he still hasn't lost all his baby teeth yet, so they're still pretty sharp. Everyone keeps saying he'll outgrow it, but I'm wondering if it's something that we really need to start conditioning him against. We hold his mouth shut for about 10 seconds when we can, but he's very quick and catching him is sometimes hard. Not to mention he thinks we're just playing.… Continue

Added by Matt & Hilliary on April 22, 2009 at 10:13am — 8 Comments

Excessive Barking

Optimus is just over 4 months old now and he's recently starting barking a LOT. It's usually because he wants us to play with him, but we can't always do that when HE wants to. We also live in an apartment so we really can't just ignore him and hope he stops (which he doesn't). We've tried holding his mouth shut, but he just thinks we're playing and he pounces at our hands with his tail wagging after we let go. We really need to lessen his barking, any tips?

Added by Matt & Hilliary on April 5, 2009 at 12:01pm — 5 Comments

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