It was kaley~corgi's first corgi meet up at the park, Shoreline dog park, mountain view, calif! A very polite bunch, no major chasing or herding and good no fighting!
Kaley~corgi tried to get a corgi pup to play chase but no takers! It was the most polite and simple hang out bunch, about, 10 -15 corgis!
I had fun taking pics and you can go here to…Continue
Added by sandra on July 20, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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Yes, how is it that i win and we NQ, did not qualify! Quite simply, kaley corgi stays on the field for 139.90 seconds, rather than the 72 seconds allowed and fraps to her hearts content ------------ refusing the "TABLE" obstacle. no, i did not fall, but i thought if i got down on her level, she would get on the table! she does eventually, but runs off, a big tease! I tried to tease too by saying, "wanta cookie?"