Mountaingrrrl's Blog (7)

Finding Cardi's

So just a question...where do you go to find Cardigan Welsh Corgi's in California? I know eventually I will want two (possibly three?) new babies and I have no clue on how to find a reputable breeder. I am located on the Central Coast here in California and I've never seen any Cardi's around! (I have seen a TON of Pembroke's but have never asked where they came from.) If anyone has any good suggestions please let me know.

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 21, 2010 at 3:32pm — 3 Comments

Two Weeks

Well, it's been a "ruff" two weeks if I do say so myself. Last night I finally mustered up the courage to pick up Cowboy's food bowls and wash them and put them up, but I couldn't find the strength to remove the two little rugs that I had for him to sit on while he ate. Just now I received the call from the vet that his ashes are ready to be picked up and it felt like my world was crashing down all over again. I've been reading quite a few posts about all of the other Corgi's here and they have… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 21, 2010 at 1:41pm — 5 Comments

Thank you.

I want to take the time to thank all of you who have sent me well wishes, thoughts, prayers, stories and gifts! It's just hard to imagine that after 17-1/2 years my little pupperoni is gone. Funny though, I was just reading through past entry's and I came across my "doggie yoga" post...and it made me smile for the first time in three days. I've also browsed through and read about corgi's digging up yards and chewing miscellaneous things up and it warms my heart. It just now dawned on me that… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 11, 2010 at 3:50pm — 4 Comments

My beautiful boy gone.

I lost my best friend this past Saturday. Cowboy was in really bad shape and it was time. I took him to the vet and held him close and he died in my arms. Words cannot even begin to express the pain and hurt and loss that I'm feeling. I can't even bring myself to take out his bed or food bowls or toys out of my house. I would give anything in the world to have my dog back. To everyone who has best friend out there hug them close and tell them how much you love them because they're not here for… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 11, 2010 at 10:28am — 26 Comments

Leg Trouble

Hi from California everyone! Cowboy is having an issue lately that we can't seem to figure out. He will be standing up and slowly but surely his butt just gets lower until he's sitting down. I know that this probably has something to do with age (he just turned 17 on June 19th) but he's showing no signs of pain or discomfort. I asked his vet about it and the vet said that he's not showing signs of arthritis and he's not aware of Corgi's having an issue like this without pain. I've started… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on July 12, 2010 at 5:51pm — 5 Comments


Ok, so you guys and girls tell me if your Corgi has ever done this...

So as we all know, Cowboy is 16 years old. He wakes up in the morning and he's usually a pretty frisky little fellow first thing in the am. So for a while he would get out of his bed (all 4 blankets/comforters plus 2 actual dog beds!) and he would roll around on his back on the carpet...and then things changed!

Now he gets up and does a super big stretch and then he kneels (?) down on his front legs where his little… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on September 11, 2009 at 2:03pm — 10 Comments

Helping seniors with pets

So my husband and I made a trip to the local humane society this past week, and we were so sad over the amount of pets being turned over because of the economy! It breaks my heart that people have to surrender their pets due to the inability to feed/care for them. Yesterday I saw a video clip on CNN about a place back east that had started a pet food bank to coincide with the days that the regular food bank was opened. I thought to myself...I wonder if I could do something like that on a… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on February 27, 2009 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

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