Tegan, Carol & John's Blog (6)

Herding instinct test was so much fun!

We made our way to the herding instinct test early, early this morning. The test was sponsored by the local PWC club, so the most amazing part for me was seeing 40 corgis together! Everybody had a great time cheering on everyone else's dogs, and the dogs had a great time meeting each other and hanging out. Everyone was so friendly and supportive, and all of the dogs were really well behaved. And Tegan passed! The judge said she was easily distracted, but thought that might be because she is… Continue

Added by Tegan, Carol & John on October 16, 2010 at 6:41pm — 6 Comments

Met a corgi at the baths...

So we're giving Tegan a bath at PetSmart when in comes another corgi. So cute! He was a large adult Pem male, and Tegan is still a slightly puppy looking 10 month old Pem female. People kept commenting on how much "those dogs look alike!" Finally somebody said, "Are those the same kind of dog? I thought yours was a wiener dog cross." Hilarious!

Added by Tegan, Carol & John on September 4, 2010 at 12:03am — 2 Comments

Tegan ate a fig...

Tegan ate a fig that fell off our tree. I checked online and got contradictory information. Some sites said they were potentially dangerous and at the least would cause diarrhea & stomach pain. Other sites said they shouldn't be a problem as long as she didn't eat too many. Right now she looks like absolutely nothing is wrong, but should I be concerned?

Added by Tegan, Carol & John on July 15, 2010 at 12:36am — 6 Comments

A beautiful day at the park rolling in yucky things...

We took Tegan to a beautiful park near us -- all of the trails are off-leash! The weather was perfect, the views were spectacular, and Tegan rolled in everything stinky she could find. Why do dogs do that? I know that in general the smellier something is, the more dogs like it, but the way she just dives onto things & rubs her entire head and body into it with such vigor is funny. At least on one hand, but it does leave her a little less than bath-time fresh. And it's usually stuff I can't… Continue

Added by Tegan, Carol & John on July 11, 2010 at 1:03am — 6 Comments

Advice for First Overnight Corgi Travel?

Does anyone have insights about preparing for our first overnight trip with Tegan? I found a wonderful hotel in Monterey that welcomes dogs, so we will be spending four days/three nights with Tegan in the hotel. We will be bringing all of the obvious things -- her crate, food & dishes, toys, bed, & the all important treats, but I'm sure people who've traveled with their corgi have had…

Added by Tegan, Carol & John on June 6, 2010 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

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