Christine and Meeko's Blog (11)

Odd behavior

Meeko is now almost 10 months and he has started doing something weird. It started with a new sweater I recieved at christmas and now he does it with everything. When he smells my new sweater  (recieved from a native american store) he pushes his nose right up to it and pulls away about 2 inches and his mouth opens and closes slowly but in steady movements. Like he is suckling but with nothing in his mouth. He now does it to things outside? Is it like one of those thing to help him smell…


Added by Christine and Meeko on January 6, 2012 at 5:37pm — 2 Comments

Hair cut?

So I am having an issue with meeko and allergies.. at least I think its allergies? He is constantlly licking/biting his paws and lower half of his body and if if pet his back he goes nuts. Ive tried hot spot treatment but he wont hold still long enough for me to get the stuff on his skin because his fur is so think. He doesnt shed much at all( and im not just saying that). Im afraid that he is going to itch his skin open. Is it a bad idea to get him NOT SHAVED but trimmed so I can reach the…


Added by Christine and Meeko on December 6, 2011 at 7:52pm — 10 Comments

Kinda freaking out

So the past couple days meeko has been sneezing and tonight it has gotten worse to the point where he is so congested that he cannot breathe out of his nose, he goes into this half pant trying to breathe out of his mouth thing. He is alert and his temp it 102.3 his mucus is clear but sticky. His nose is completly dry and sticky from the mucus. He has a indiffrent breathing pattern. And will not play with his toys by his self. He wont even chew on his bully stick which is not like him at all!…


Added by Christine and Meeko on November 17, 2011 at 2:40am — 7 Comments

Meeko update

Ok so I have been taking advice on the whole how to stop food aggression and he is doing great he just has a hard time with peoples feet he will stop and just start at the on comming feet but I havent had him nip or growl so YAY thanks for all the advice we will be going to grandmas house for christmas and I think by then he will be the best!  The only thing we are having a hard time with is the dog park.. If he is drinking water he will not let the other dogs in to drink and nips at them I…


Added by Christine and Meeko on November 14, 2011 at 12:22am — 3 Comments


I know I had a post of this before but i think im getting way in over my head... I stopped Meeko on the canned food (he finally gained 6 pounds and looks great) so I gave him something to kind of spice it up a bit tonight. I mixed a little V8 fusion juice (I dont like it and wont drink it and dont want to waste it) with his raw chicken leg which he always gets and he loved the new ingredient... a little too much.. usually I can get near his bowl and it was just when my feet got near where he…


Added by Christine and Meeko on October 31, 2011 at 9:40pm — 16 Comments

First dog park visit

Took Meeko to the dog park for the first time today!! He absolutly loved it! at first he would just run form the bigger dogs and hide behind me but then after a couple hours he was chasing them and just had a blast!! He did soo good. Now i realized just how trained his is. He would come when called and if he took someone elses ball id tell him to drop it and he did. The boxer that was there kept taking other peoples tennis balls and would take off and not drop it. Eventually they left when…


Added by Christine and Meeko on October 18, 2011 at 8:13pm — 4 Comments

Possesive aggression

Latley i have been having problems with my 7 month old corgi. I have given him a large rawhide bone and normally he would have no problem with me having my feet near him and playing with him while he was chewing on his bone but the past couple days he has actually bitten me! he has never shown agressive behavior till now. I cant even walk by him without him nipping at me or snarling at me. He doesnt even have to be chewing on it to get all mad and start to snarl. He is very smart and…


Added by Christine and Meeko on October 10, 2011 at 7:52pm — 4 Comments

pup questions..

I have so many questions, like is my dog the only dog who likes to poop on rocks only? Is he the only one who whimpers and whines while chewing on a squeeky toy? Can my dog be allergic to raw hamburger? Is my pup underweight at 6 months weighing only 18 lbs? Is it bad if he does not shed as much as other corgis? Am i doing something wrong with potty training that he wont tell me when he has to go out? He goes when hes outside but wont tell me when he needs to go out.. Am I the dominant one or… Continue

Added by Christine and Meeko on September 21, 2011 at 11:19pm — 7 Comments

Corgi needs a home

so sad i would take this corgi in a second, if i could...:(

Added by Christine and Meeko on September 13, 2011 at 8:51pm — 8 Comments


My little 6 month old 18 lb corgi is afraid of EVERYTHING! such as bikes laying in grass, cats, moving leaves, big object that dont move, strange noises, people at a distance, brooms, gates, small animals ( rabbits, racoons, birds ect.) I have no idea why he is afraid of so much when he sees any of the above objects he barks as loud as he can while running with his butt tucked under him. The other night i was outside with him and my bf and the gas station kitty corner across the street was…


Added by Christine and Meeko on September 4, 2011 at 8:27pm — 7 Comments

Meeko and water.

does anyone else have a corgi that HATES water? Meeko just simply hates it, he refuses to go outside when its raining will not go swiming when me and my boyfriend do and looks like he is being punished when getting a bath? I thought for the most part all dogs loved water? When I brought him home at 9 weeks he would always stick his foot in the water bowl when he drank but he doesnt even do that anymore. He is licking himself dry at the moment because I wouldnt let him in till he pottied(…


Added by Christine and Meeko on August 30, 2011 at 12:37am — 5 Comments

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