E.B.'s Blog (8)

Sterling Rode in the Parade on Sunday!

We rode in the PRIDE parade on Sunday on the motorcycle and Sterling rode with us. He was so cute in his little doggles and loved all the attention! He handled it all really well and was calm considering all the motorcycles revving and crowds cheering. Luckily we were in the front row so we didn't have to be out in the sun too long. We had water and squeaky toys in the saddle bags too. It was a lot of fun! I will post a picture shortly :)

Added by E.B. on July 3, 2013 at 10:50am — 3 Comments

Proud of my Little Man

I play softball every Thursday night and always bring Sterling with me. (Of course he always has water, ice cubes, and a squeaky toy) This week was particularly hot so we headed to Dairy Queen for some ice cream afterwards. After ordering my blizzard and sitting down, a little boy came running up to him and threw his arms around his neck without saying a word to me. Luckily, Sterling loves kids (a sentiment I don't really share) and tolerated this little boy putting his hands in his mouth,… Continue

Added by E.B. on June 24, 2013 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments

Aggressive Dog Scare

We finally got Sterling his off-leash park permit. Things have been going great and his recall is getting better all the time! He even comes to me when I call him during mid-play now. I just love it.

On Saturday, however, we decided to go to a different park where there are lots of trails in the woods. It's NOT an off-leash area, although I am the only person I have ever seen using a leash. A woman even asked me if my dog was dangerous because he was still on a leash... There are signs… Continue

Added by E.B. on May 27, 2013 at 9:33pm — 5 Comments

Mother's Day Celebrations

We headed up north to the farm this weekend to celebrate Mother's Day with my incredible mother and sterling got to play with the animals until he was exhausted. He is still sleeping it off! This is the first time he has been allowed to go in with the cows. The weather has just been too crappy until now. He loved feeding the bottle baby and behaved very well around the cows and donkeys. We had a cow out this morning, but my dad's desire for breakfast outweighed my want to let sterling try to… Continue

Added by E.B. on May 12, 2013 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

First puppy class

Well, today we had our first puppy class. Sterling definitely loved all of the puppy play time! We learned commands he already knows, like sit, but it was really hard to get him to focus on me with all those other puppy buddies around. I was a little disappointed that he didn't listen better, but I guess I expected too much at his first class. My expectations were just so high because he listens so well at home!

Anyway, I think this will be great for him (and for me). We're looking forward… Continue

Added by E.B. on April 30, 2013 at 10:41pm — 3 Comments

Backpacking in Montana

We had a few days off from school and one of our friends is originally from Montana. We offered to drive her there to see her family if she wouldn't mind if we stayed with her for a couple nights. She was all for it. she loves sterling almost as much as we do, and wanted us to meet her gigantic Aussie Kelev.

The drive out there was awful. We were having a terrible snowstorm in MN and it added 3 hours to our trip. We saw so many vehicles in the ditch. It was a little scary. Luckily,… Continue

Added by E.B. on April 25, 2013 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Sterling's Swollen Snout Update

I had posted this weekend about my little man having a swollen face. We initially thought he had gotten a spider bite or something so we gave him some Benadryl with no results. As time went on, the swelling became more localized to his right gum line. Saturday night his tooth fell out. His face was still swollen and sore on Sunday, but he was no longer lethargic and back to acting like his old wonderdog self.

This morning there was some bloody spit in our bed. What we suspected to be an… Continue

Added by E.B. on April 8, 2013 at 5:22pm — 6 Comments

Sterling's first vet visit!

Sterling had his first vet visit yesterday. I moved last year (and had no pets) so I had to find a new vet. I searched for vets in the area and read a lot of reviews. I ended up choosing shady oaks veterinary clinic in Minnetonka, MN. They had almost all good reviews, and I'd have to say our experience was pretty positive. The front desk staff seemed to be a little disorganized and having a tiff with someone else in the office, as they were complaining that they were making a personal call.… Continue

Added by E.B. on April 5, 2013 at 1:24pm — 2 Comments

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