Sterling's Swollen Snout Update

I had posted this weekend about my little man having a swollen face. We initially thought he had gotten a spider bite or something so we gave him some Benadryl with no results. As time went on, the swelling became more localized to his right gum line. Saturday night his tooth fell out. His face was still swollen and sore on Sunday, but he was no longer lethargic and back to acting like his old wonderdog self.
This morning there was some bloody spit in our bed. What we suspected to be an abscess had started to drain in the night. (Time to wash my nice white sheets AGAIN this week) We got him into the vet and they confirmed it was an abscess. He's on some antibiotics and I have some pain meds/anti-inflammatories for him, plus some probiotics to give him after the antibiotic cycle. They'll take some X-rays when they put him under for his neuter to be sure it isn't a dental cyst.
Otherwise, we're very happy to have our little man acting like himself again. It was scary to see him so lethargic. Thank you to everyone for the advice. It's reassuring to have some support out there. We got several phone calls asking about Sterling all weekend long. Apparently word of a sick puppy travels fast!

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Comment by Natalie, Fiona, & Django on April 10, 2013 at 11:50pm
Aw, poor baby with the cracked tooth. :( Thanks for letting me know. Fiona loves to chew and she's chipped a tooth, so I worry about her cracking them as well. Tenacious pups!

And donkey poop!! How lovely - haha. ;)
Comment by E.B. on April 9, 2013 at 5:27pm
Good luck to Oscar for his surgery!
@Natalie, Fiona, and Django, they were thinking a cracked tooth. We were at my parents' farm for Easter and he was chewing on everything and eating all kinds of fresh cow and donkey poop. She was thinking that may have had something to do with it.
Comment by Linda on April 8, 2013 at 11:03pm

Very happy to hear that is back to himself.  Poor puppy...those hurt!

Comment by Abbey & Anne on April 8, 2013 at 10:20pm

So glad that Sterling is better.  We do worry about our "babies" when they are acting unlike their normal selves.  I, too, am thankful for this site, many caring people. 

Comment by Natalie, Fiona, & Django on April 8, 2013 at 8:43pm

Oh, sorry to hear the little guy had an abscess, but glad at least you now know what it was for sure! And very glad to hear he is back to acting like his old self again!

Do they know how a pup so young might have gotten an abscess? From a broken tooth? Or something else? Just wondering what to watch for since my lil gal is around the same age.  :)

Comment by Brian D Graham on April 8, 2013 at 7:21pm

Glad to hear Sterling is okay!. Oscar our 10 year old boy is having a tooth extracted this friday it's the 1st time since he lost his manhood at 5months that he has ever had anything done!. I'm a nervous wreck!. they did blood tests to make sure he is in excellent heath for his age to go under he passed with no problems!. We always wonder what they must be going thru pain wise because they can't tell us!. Sam our other dog has become very protective of his playmate since he came home from the vet from his annual health check last friday it's like he knows something is wrong with Oscar!. Well Friday will come around quick enough to take Oscar in then I'll be nervously waiting for the call from the vet to tell me how it went!.  then it will be TLC for a month while it heals!. There our kids they give us grey hairs with worry but give us years of loyal friendship and love its all worth it in the end!. It's just a shame God didn't give animals voices so they could tell us when something is wrong!!!.



Oscar & Sam's Dad Brian

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on April 8, 2013 at 5:33pm

I hope he is back to normal soon.  Nothing worse then having a sick baby!  They look so sad!

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